chyeah...ya know what? nuh-uh!

Oct 19, 2006 09:01

I'm quoting the vancome lady from MAD TV in my title..if you didn't already know.

anyway..yeah I'm "supposed" to be in class right now. My professor decided to go out of town without telling his 8:30 AM class. he actually got another professor to stick in a video about the renaissance and told us to just sit there and watch it. we didn't have to take any notes or even pay attention. we just had to sit there and watch it. you can tell...I'm not watching it. I'm sitting in the school library on LJ. nice..ssss...sorry..if you watched the new south park last night, you would find the "nice..ssss" funny. ok then.

anyway..I just signed the attendance roll and then walked out of the room ^_^. I'm so bad

today is probably going to be boring. instead of playing on the computer, I should be looking up sources for my next paper. that's gonna take me a while and I'm procrastinating by writing in here...nice...ssss. wrist hurts and I don't feel like typing the keys are really loud and annoying.

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