[blog] been thinking... &locked

Oct 06, 2010 17:25

You'd think watching TV wouldn't make me think about things but dammit glee keeps having shows with moral messages and it actual makes me consider things. And seeing Atthis really helped too... It's not, like, a crisis of faith or anything, I've just never really believed in anything (because my sleeping. But with Mattie gone, all this stuff with Ivan going on and general lifeness, it really does get you thinking. I kinda remembered this old album my dad used to play a lot so I sorted through some old boxes of mine and I found it again.

I've... just been sitting here listening to it over and over again... I can't stop, every time I try to stop the song just plays in my head and I have to listen to it again. How pathetic am I? Listening to some song instead of going out there and dealing with life... I am a terrible person sometimes, hiding out in my room listening to some song I didn't even earn...

My mom was always pretty religious, Catholic and all that, living over there in Montreal but... She never forced it on me. Just the little cross, for protection. I've never prayed, I sleep around, swear, eat a lot, am a selfish bastard, enjoy seeing fear in people's eyes when they see me, invade people's personal lives for my own pleasure, I annoy people, toy with emotions of those around me, refuse to lose and I can't stop.

What is wrong with me?

[post: blog], backstory, you+me = the coffee shop, that bro of mine

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