Cheuca's is closing?! [fail!locked]

May 09, 2011 09:12

What am I gonna do?! That was my job! Now they're telling us to invite all our friends? What the hell, I can't just go up to people, tell them I'm working, not only underage at a gay bar, but ask them to come?! Liz and Nico must be out of their minds... Or just insanely desperate.

Maybe both.

I need to find another job... Or go beat Russki at Black Ops. Still can't believe he's actually living in Liberty. Mattie says he's nice but he was kiiiiiiiinda a spaz when we first met.

Whatever, he's probably just freaked that I'm real and sexy as hell, but I guess he's not bad either. If he wasn't an absolute bastard I might be interested.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

mattie~, cheuca, ivan fuck you kindly, arg what the hell, you+me = the coffee shop, keep it gay keep it gay keep it gay, [post: blog], jobjobjobjobjob, some russian guy, i can has friends please?, moniesplz, that bro of mine

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