[family] Grandpa Jack Daniels Jones

Dec 14, 2010 22:56

Jusssst going to post these here as they come so I don't clog up lol_council.

original design: FadeB @ deviantART
State/Region name: The South
Human name: Jack Daniels Jones
Birthday: February 8th, 1925
Theme song: Cowboy, Kid Rock
Personality: If you thought Alfred was arrogant, wait until you meet his grandfather. Descended from a long line of plantation owners turned ranch/oil tycoons, Jack is a business type who knows exactly what he wants, how to get it and doesn't care about who he hurts on his way there. He is snobbish, snarky, arrogant, part-southern-gentleman and 100% asshole. And you know what? He doesn't give two shits about you. The only person who is able to rein in this stallion is his wife whom, despite his best efforts, seems to wear the pants in the relationship. He smokes and spends his free time counting money and hunting. In the Jones-mansion there are numerous heads of animals and there is always a loaded shotgun at the backdoor.
Relationship with Alfred: Even though Alfred is by no means the oldest or most remarkable out of his family, Grandpa Jones has taken a liking to the boy (not because they happen to look smiliar, Alfred getting his great genes) and does plan to pass the entire Jones enterprise over to him when he's old enough and stops hiding from him in Liberty City. Alfred loves his grandfather very much and has always looked up to him and it was Grandpa Jones who was the first one who taught him how to shoot a rifle.

It was Grandma Jones who taught him how to shoot a can at 300 paces, but that's another story.

brodie- wry so strange, [family], the united states of me~!, [ooc]

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