[journal] why world

Oct 17, 2010 14:21

Despite last night being a rockin' and totally awesome party (again, congrats Dewi on winning last night, it was really something to see) Alicia and I got totally screwed over by that bastard little Slytherin Zhi. But don't worry, we're dealing with him and we've got some interesting information that might just turn things around for Gryffindor.

For now, Alicia and I are stuck cleaning up the Common Room by had, NO magic, but I'm kinda thankful because I know that if Otto was in charge of our punishment we'd probably be hanging from the North Tower by our ankles. Dammit... We lost so many points too... 150 and the another 50 from Søren so that leaves us at zero. C'mon Gryffindors! Let's work to get those points back~ Do some extra work in the library, help out in the greenhouses DO SUPERWELL IN YOUR CLASSES! I know I'm still trying to get Professor Adnan to recognise my hard work... And come out to cheer for the match this week! We win that match and we might get all our points back!

Speaking of Quidditch: Gryffindor team, practice on Tuesday night according to Dandelion so MAKE SURE YOU'RE THERE or else Vash will come and kick your ass like the adorable little bastard he is.

[magic!locked from Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and others wanting to thwart revenge!]

We managed to get the password out of Zhi and I've come up with a plan. Feliks has been working on a pants-to-skirt charm for the past few days and if we add that to the current shenanigans going on in the Hufflepuff dorm (rainbows saywhat), well, I think you can all see where this is going. Tonight, myself and Feliks will sneak down to the Slytherin dungeons and cast a wonderful spell. Don't worry about Gryffindor getting caught, we'll be wearing Hufflepuff colours and will do our best not to get spotted!

Well I'm off to clean, practice my disillusionment charms and colour changing charms (because I need to practice changing that Hufflepuff black to Gryffindor crimson~) and help Feliks get his spell ready for tonight.

I'm also missing my boxers, some red shiny ones Uncle Francis gave me for Christmas, anyone seen them?

gryffindor's where the party's at!, pants to skirts, team practice!, party's over, !harry potter

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