Nov 03, 2010 17:17
i wish i would start updating this more, but i know i won't. :(
lets see.. prom happened over a year ago. it was nice even though:
my dress wasn't done being hemmed until 15 minutes before i had to leave.
the boy was being a complete asshole - until he saw me in my dress, he shut up then :)
i didn't get on court, but that's fine.
the truck we took is on youtube.
nothing spectacular happened, but it was a nice memory :)
eric and i are still "together". we've had our fights, ups and downs.
but we've come to realize this week, our conversations are random, we're able to tell each other (almost) everything and anything that's on our mind & we have no fear of being judged. yeah we might laugh at one another and such, but idk. it's soothing? haha if that makes sense. i love that i have him here as a friend.
i also love the fact that, even though i never look into the future - never plan ahead with people to do things, he doesn't care and he always plans stuff ahead, says that i'll see it next spring. or i will get something for christmas (for example) whether i like it or not. talked about his birthday and such as if i'm still going to be around. - which i hope i am, but ya never know, right?
as for other friends, i can't say the same. i've slowly have come to the realization that being your own best friend might be the only way to get through life without being screwed over time and time again. and it's sad that i've come to this, but it's the truth.
and i don't mean i'm better off not having friends. i mean, it's better and time for me to start depending on myself, not everyone else around be. i can't expect people to be there for me or anything like that.
which sadly i realized that this past weekend.
my kitty is 20 years old :)
blondie, our new puppy (that we got last year sept) is adorable still and BIG.
moms dog is healthy as ever.
so are my cute little ferrets. I still have taz, but I got sugar this past feb, after flower died :(
and we're watching my brothers two cats, who are the chillest cats in the world, one also likes to be my shadow.
that's really about it for now.
i got fired from my Kohl's job last October, by the supervisor who hated me - who quit the day after firing me.
i still haven't found a job.
i'm at school though.