Feb 24, 2007 01:15
Tonight I officially decided to quit letting the people I used to call my closest friends make me feel worthless. They've moved on and found new friends that they are enthralled with, and apparently that leaves no room left for me in the picture. I just wish it didn't hurt so much to spend all my weekend nights alone in my room watching old tv shows on dvd after calling my friends to see what they're doing only to be told that they're hanging out with [insert new friends' names here] and then being awkwardly talked to while they find a way to not invite me. It hurts.
That's why I need to get over it.
Tonight I watched 7 episodes of the second season of The OC. Then I curled my hair with my suitemate's curling iron and danced around the room trying on my "nice" clothes while singing along to the Ace of Bace playing proudly on my computer.
Sad and pathetic? Yes. Yes I am.
I really need to get over this.