Title: A Different Kind of Shine
Author: Jenn
Rating: R?...could go up in later chapters.
Length: 1983 for this part
Spoilers: All of Season One
Summary: Quinn is a laid back surfer type. Rachel is... well, Rachel. Inspired by this
Prompt at
rq_meme Part One Part Two Part Three
Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
A/N: So i'm taking the numerous suggestions about one particular idea and running with it. This story is sort of changing before my eyes. I still have plans to end it the same way I intended but will just get there a little differently. Thanks for the comments and for being so patient in regards to what I am sure is a wealth of grammer, tense, and spelling errors.
"What the fuck do you mean she's on a date?"
Santana raised an eyebrow at the vitriol in her best friend's voice. "What did you expect, Q? It's been a week and a half since you all but claimed her at the bar and you haven't made a single move."
Quinn shook her head incredulously. "So she just goes on a date with some random girl?"
The Latina shrugged. "I don't think she's completely random."
The blonde just stared so she rolled her eyes and continued. "Apparently this girl has been trying to get Rachel to go out with her for a while but Brittany says Rachel always says no. Her name is Kate I think and she's in the show that Rachel's been working on for a class."
Collapsing back down onto her couch, Quinn sighed heavily. "Fuck."
Santana watched her for a moment and then sat on the coffee table and looked at her friend seriously. "Look, I normally don't tell you what to do, Q. I've known you a long time and I know you like to live your life without much outside interference or influence. But here's the thing: you need to man the fuck up. Stop bitching about how she could hurt you or you could hurt her and take a fucking risk already. I've gotten to know Rachel pretty well and speaking from my own experience with Britt, girls like them will not stay single forever. And they won't wait forever either. So if you want her, you better do it now because it sounds like she might kind of like this girl Kate and obviously this chick is not afraid to go after what she wants."
Quinn stared at her best friend in shock as the Latina sent her a pointed look before standing up and walking out the door.
Quinn, Santana, and Brittany were lounging in the dorm room, waiting for Rachel to finish getting ready so they could go to lunch. Rachel hadn't acted any differently around Quinn but the blonde could tell that Rachel was attempting to cool the interactions between the two of them. The effort alone had convinced Quinn that she was going to finally have a conversation about their feelings and try to figure out the next move. Quinn was still conflicted and unsure how to proceed but she knew that if she didn't take a step forward, she'd lose Rachel.
A knock on the door broke through her musings and Rachel called out to Brittany through the partially open bathroom door. "Can you get that Britt?"
Brittany frowned but moved forward. "You told me not to open the door unless I know who it is. Do you know who it is?"
Rachel had her hair wrapped around a curling iron and nudged the door open with her foot, smiling at the dancer. "I think it's Derek bringing me his half of the essay we're writing."
Brittany smiled widely and nodded before opening the door. When she pulled it open, her eyes widened slightly in shock.
"Whoa! You look just like my roommate, Rachel!"
Santana and Quinn peered around the door and took in the woman at the door, their eyes wide as well. The woman smiled and regarded the taller blonde. "Are you Brittany?"
Brittany grinned wildly. "And you're psychic like her too!"
Rachel walked out of the bathroom to investigate the commotion and stopped in the doorway. "Mom?"
The older woman's smile grew considerably. "Hi, baby girl!"
Snapping out of her shock, Rachel stepped into her mother's outstretched arms and hugged her. Once they'd pulled away, the singer ushered her inside and gestured to the three girls opposite them. "Mom, these are my friends, Brittany, Santana, and Quinn."
Turning to look at her friends, she nodded toward her mother. "This is my mom, Shelby Corcoran."
Brittany looked confused at the last name but didn't comment and instead threw her arms around the older brunette. "Rachel's like your mini me!"
Shelby laughed and hugged her back before turning her smile on the other two girls. "It's nice to meet you both."
The girls nodded and smiled slightly, although Quinn's was a bit strained. She found herself harboring a bit of resentment for the way the woman had treated Rachel in the past. Shelby seemed to notice and held her gaze for a moment before Rachel broke the tension.
"Mom, what are you doing here?"
Shelby bit her lip guiltily. "Well, you kept telling me that I didn't need to come out and visit, but I wanted to. So I thought I would come see you're show tonight. Are you angry?"
Rachel wasn't angry. She was surprised and there was some other feeling that she couldn't quite identify but the timid hope on her mother's face warmed her heart and she sighed and smiled. "Of course not, I am very happy that you're here."
Shelby grinned and pulled Rachel into another tight hug. Brittany was bouncing on her hells. "Rach, can we come to your show too?"
Santana lifted an eyebrow and wrapped her arm around Brittany before looking at Rachel. "Yeah, Berry, nice of you to invite us."
Quinn stuck her hands in her pockets, unused to the hurt she was feeling at not being included in Rachel's life. The brunette frowned as she pulled away from her mother. "I honestly didn't think you would be interested. It's a student written and directed musical."
Quinn's voice was unusually soft when she finally spoke. "Yeah, but you're in it."
Rachel sighed and tried to look away from Quinn's hazel eyes. The blonde certainly made it difficult to move forward. Shelby seemed to notice the strain between the pair and spoke to diffuse the tension. "Well then we'll all go and afterward I am treating everyone to a late dinner!"
Brittany clapped happily while Santana just nodded her assent. Quinn kept her eyes on Rachel but the singer averted her gaze and turned to speak to her mother inside. The action stung more than Quinn cared to admit and she had to drop her chin to keep it from showing.
The lobby outside the auditorium was crowded with students and guests and Brittany was worried Rachel would get lost in the crowd. Shelby had put a comforting hand on her arm when the dancer had frowned and begun to look around anxiously. "She knows where to meet us, sweetie."
The show had been unexpectedly funny and all around them, people were buzzing about the three main actors. Rachel's name was on everyone's tongue and Shelby seemed to be beaming in pride. Quinn scanned the crowd once again and felt a smile take over her face when she spotted the petite brunette. Her smile faded abruptly when she noticed the auburn haired girl attached to Rachel's hand.
Brittany squealed and tackled her roommate in a hug when she saw her. "Rach you were so good! You were the prettiest and best one in the whole show!"
Santana smiled at her girlfriend and nodded in agreement. Shelby wrapped her arms around her daughter when Brittany had let her go. "Baby, you really were incredible. I am so proud of you."
Rachel felt tears well in her eyes and hugged her mother tightly. "Thanks, Mom. I'm glad you're here."
Quinn shifted when Rachel pulled back and held out the bouquet of orchids in her hands. "You were amazing, Rach."
The brunette's breath hitched in her throat as she accepted the beautiful flowers. Quinn's eyes were locked on hers and she felt the room fade around her and all the noise in the lobby became a muted buzz. Someone cleared their throat behind her and Santana's voice finally caught her attention. "Aren't you going to introduce us, Berry?"
Rachel tore her eyes away from Quinn's and turned back to see Kate smiling and waiting behind her. Rachel only had to partially force a smile, her mind still reeling from the intensity in Quinn's gaze. "Of course! Kate, this is my best friend and roommate Brittany Piers."
Brittany waved happily and Rachel motioned toward the Latina beside her. "This is her girlfriend and my friend whether she likes it or not: Santana Lopez."
Santana smirked at Rachel and nodded at Kate in greeting. Gesturing to her mother, Rachel continued. "And this is my mom, Shelby Corcoran."
Shelby smiled and shook the girl's hand. "You were wonderful tonight, Kate."
Kate blushed and said thank you before turning to face the blonde beside Shelby, waiting for an introduction. Quinn met her gaze but turned her eyes on Rachel. The singer hesitated for a moment before swallowing and pointing to Quinn. "And this is my friend, Quinn Fabray."
Quinn's throat tightened at the word friend even if it was an appropriate title. The blonde smiled tightly and Kate returned her smile politely. Rachel's eyes were downcast and Shelby frowned before turning to face Kate. "We were all just about to grab some dinner, Kate, would you like to join us?"
Rachel nearly blanched at the thought of sitting through dinner with both Quinn and Kate. But the auburn haired girl had turned and was waiting for Rachel to approve the invitation so she could only smile and nod.
The group turned and made their way outside. Quinn fell back slightly to walk next to Santana and Brittany and watched Shelby wrap her arm around Rachel as they made their way toward the restaurant. When Kate slid her hand in Rachel's Quinn turned her head and swallowed tightly.
Once inside, Quinn made sure to sit across from Shelby and as far away from Kate as possible. Brittany chose the seat next to her so she would at least be free of Santana's nudges and knowing glances. After they were all seated, Shelby asked Kate how she liked performing and if she enjoyed her classes. Kate answered enthusiastically and began to recount all the tales of backstage pranks and mishaps, making Rachel laugh and jump in with her own additions. As much as Quinn adored the musical sound of the singer's laugh, she absolutely loathed the fact that it was Kate who was responsible.
"And the whole cast blamed Rachel since he was covered in pink paint. Everyone knows pink is her favorite color."
The comment caught her attention and before she could think about it, Quinn voiced her disagreement. "Her favorite color is yellow."
Shelby raised an eyebrow at the statement but pursed her lips in amusement. Rachel blushed and turned to Kate whose brow had fallen in confusion. The singer smiled and shrugged. "I do really like the color pink, though."
Santana snickered and then gasped when Brittany pushed her elbow in the Latina's side. Quinn glanced down at her plate, unsure where the outburst had come from. The action must have raised a red flag for Kate because she became much more assertive the rest of the night. When Shelby was telling them all a story about her show choir in New York, Kate rested her elbow on the back of Rachel's chair and twirled a lock of dark hair around her finger. Quinn seethed and just barely resisted the urge to drag Rachel into her lap and shout 'mine!'
By the end of the night, there was no question for Quinn. She had firmly decided that the risk she ran by opening her heart to Rachel Berry was far more acceptable than the thought of someone else stealing the beautiful brunette from her. She only had to endure a few more hours, because the moment she was alone with singer, she was going to demand Rachel date her and only her. Well maybe not demand.
As Kate parted ways with the group, it was all Quinn could do not to pummel the girl when she placed a soft kiss on Rachel's lips. Shelby caught Quinn's eye when she looked away and smirked.