Sep 23, 2005 23:04
WOW a lot has happened. i find myself updating only when i'm deathly bored. ah. shoot me. so i was just watching blindside's new video "fell in love with the game" and found out it means he fell in love with sin and forgot God's name and that he followed Him. cuz the video is like this guy cheating in some card game and people go around stealing the money he has gotten from this, so he "fell in love with the game" and lost it all anyways. GOOD STUFF these blindside boys come out with. anyways let's start with wed night i guess? well it was HILARIOUS, my youth group actually got into a fight. oh my frickin hilarious. im like this is ridiculous i don't even need this. 1st thing is we watched this video on gossip etc and so justin asked what we thought it meant and i was like "welllll, it's basically when people say they like you to your face but they really don't and they stab you in the back" etc, LOL hint hint. so then someone said (public school student) that he didn't care about what ppl thought and if ppl gossiped, therefore it is their problem, very true. then all the public school students started to agree (for the private school students, you understand what i mean when i am talking about this and who, because i'm not being mean, remember i once was one) but you know what im talkin bout. so anyways then the private school kids were all "omg but i have a REPUTATION! and all of us started to laugh. and we're like what reputationt? we don't care what people think of us. and they like started fighting with us. it was the monst amusing night of my life, along with the worst night. on the way home (my mom was driving) and this big dog was in the road. well the guy ahead of us in the next lane was blaring his horn, etc, we were tapping on the brakes lik crazy b/c this idiot was coming really super fast. OMG. he did not stop. he hit the dog. me and my mom were screaming bloddy murder, i've never heard someone's brakes squeel that loud. and my mom had stopped cuz we were goin CRAZY and the guy was right in front of us but in the other lane. so once my mom pulls over and we get out by that time the guy is GONE. yeah talk about piss me off more, not to mention he didn't notice brake lights tapping like you wouldn't believe. so then this kid pulled over by us that was freaking going in the opposite direction of us, he was so sweet, he was like are you guys ok? i saw what happened and i pulled over and all the guy asked was is the dog still under my tire? this guy dragged this dog for like 15-20 feet and i saw and heard it ALL. so then me my mom and this kid that i think was maybe a christian, are lookin for this dog, i felt so sick to my stomach i almost threw up a few times. and i had this headache it was awful. i never want to experience that again. that's not everything that happened, but that's all i feel like typing.but on a happier note, school is great, wow the year is almost over again. 2006. i'm still learning to let things go, and God has kinda shocked me with some things but hey whatever it takes to make me let go. anyways, jimmy and the boys are coming down here in a few weeks so i'll get to see them, YAY.
so alright, i've drained all my boredom outta this entry so g'nite everyone. how are things going?