
Jul 26, 2021 21:55

I had to get some stuff from Ikea, and the closest one that had what I wanted in stock was Wembley. So on my way back, I took a look at the area I spent a very formative year or two: where I transitioned from a self-righteous, tee-total christian, to the drunken, atheist scamp you've all come to know and love.

That Hirst Research Center has been torn down and converted to flats (with shops on the ground floor and thankfully no gardens(*)) was already known. But the Dog and Duck hasn't just been renamed - it's been converted into a Tesco Express!

(*) you wouldn't want to touch anything that had grown in the ground where HRC had been. Over a century of dubious chemicals poured away, many years before Health and Safety (or even the knowledge of how toxic some of them were) existed.
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