May 20, 2008 17:42
Hello everyone,
Does anyone stlll read this thing? I doubt not, but anyways I am back, after almost two years absense. I have growen up a lot since my last post, and now looking back I laugh at how dumb I sounded. The last two years have seen friends come and go, classed failed, wrecks, but also many good things. I have started working with horses, joined the gym, made new friends, gotten anew cat, and most of all leatrned from my past. I won't go into all that now, but will tell about the beach witht the Jen. Who is the Jen? She is the most awesome, cool, fosizzle girl around. I met her at camp in 9th grade, and we had to foldd tshirts, neither one of us can do it to this day. We went to the beach last friday, and it was great. We drove down with my pareants and stayed in a condo. We watched Lotr every night, and Attoment, and Lost. We got drunk every night too, and lit incense. We also took long walks, sunbathed, and I got a bad sunburn, swam, shopped, and just relaxed. The week before that We saw a concert. We saw Thrice was was amazing. They are so good in person. They played stare into the sun! The pit was rough, but it was my first time, so it was rough to me, but mild to the Jen. The next day we did Old rag which was a FAIL! We got lost on the way, and we made it u, but I could not do the scamble on the way down. We had to run down 6 miles so the bears whould not eat us! Work is getting better, now that Valerie is there. Valerie is so cool for a boss. She gave e a cool purses, and some Body works for Christas. I hope she can get pregant soon, she will make the best mother. I had court yesterday, for a burnt out taillight, and when I wnet sat for two houra. There were so many people ahead of me on drug charges, and a lo on traffic charges too, but most were out of it, and rude to the judge. He was so nice, he did not give anyone jailtime, or a full sentence, and he posted bail for everyone. He only had like ten seconds wth me, but he dimissed it, when I showd him the reciect. I am going to do something with the Jen tommow, and feed the horses, and now I have class. I have statsics, and then in Aug I got to LOngwood. I am so happy now.