I don't know why, maybe it's the season or just something that I just want to say so people remember or know who I am and where I Spiritually stand... Some things about me have changed, some things haven't. One thing that hasn't changed is what I believe in, and that is that Jesus Christ died for us all. In scriptures we all fall short, so we all shall burn. But God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so who ever shall believe in him shall not die but have everlasting life, John 3:16.
And yes, I have fallen short. Those who know, will KNOW what I'm talking about. I have fallen from what I stood for. BUT, I'm human too. And EVERYONE, even christians make mistakes and fall short of Gods grace. It's when we admit it that we are redemmed. And I still stand by what I believe in and my faith. It's the only thing that keeps me going everyday and it's Jesus who gives me my strength. He still loves me and I am still one of His children. I must keep trusting him that he will get me through. We are all precious to him, and though some may not believe in him, like it or not people, He believes in YOU. I will always stand by Him, and I'm sorry everyone but if I was asked to choose between the world or Him, I choose HIM. Now and forever.
I will make mistakes, as we all will. But if I pray and trust in Him, I will make it through anything and everything. And just take this to heart, if you've been told or thought that you need to clean up your life to go to Jesus, forget that, just go to him. He will lighten your burden and make you pure again. And change your life. It won't be easy. People will make fun of you, call you names, even leave you for what you believe in. But I would rather face the wrath of this world and in the end be reunited with my Heavenly Father, than face the flames of Hell and forever be seperate from my God. That is MY choice, what will be YOURS??
If you've read this through, you are a true friend and support me, if not, then that is your choice and I will respect it. I just felt it all needed to be said. And now you know where I truely stand. Thank you for reading, and God bless you.
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