i love bumbi

Apr 02, 2005 02:45

ahhh...so yea i just got home...i went w. danny b. over to holly grogins house and jessica and blake where there and we went on a wonderful cute picnic it was adorable & went back to holly's and watched the notebook where we got the fabulous idea to go find a stop light and lay under it in the road haha...great night and i totally love holly and jessica their so sweet <3!me and my twin nun ((CARA BRIDGES)) made some totally hot plans for carowinds w. josh and his boyzz...which i have to get up in 2 hours to leave for lol but hey me and cara are cool enough to go on 2 hours of sleep and still pimp the danked out borg!yessss!

x. slept in your bed: me!
x. saw you cry: blake & heather
x. made you cry: i really dont remember lol
x. spend the night at your house: leslie
x. you shared a drink with: casey
x. you went to the movies with: kelsey
x. yelled at you: danny...but he was kiddin lol
x. told you they loved you: stevennn

x. gotten in a fight with your pet: no haha
x. been to new york: yayus!
x. dreamed something really crazy & then it happened the next day: no
x. had an imaginary friend: omg yes.when i was like 4!her name was gracie..aww

x. red or blue: blue
x. spring or fall: spring
x. are you bored: no,tired!
x. last noise you heard: a song
x. last time you went out of the country: never...im lovin the US!
x. things you like in the opposite sex: hands,smell,arms..lots of things
x. do you have a crush on someone: of course
x. what book are you reading now: ah i def dont like books
x. worst feeling in the world:loosing someone you love
x. what is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: how bad i have to pee
x. how many rings before you answer: 2 or 3
x. future daughters name:mckensie,mckayla,alexandra,ashlyn
x. future sons name:landon,bryan..ah i cant think lol
x. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
x. if you could have any job you wanted what would it be:some kinda doctor
x. are you righty lefty or ambidextrous: righty
x. do you type with your fingers on the right keys: yayus...HOMEROOM KEYS lol
x. whats under your bed:nothin...its clean!
x. favorite sport to watch:football..basketball
x. siblings: brother
x. location: b-town city yayus!
x. boyfriend/girlfriend: offf courseeeeeeee

x. do you do drugs: no
x. do you drink: not really
x. who is your best friend:casey lynn whitaker,leslie,heather
x. what are you most scared of: loosing people i love
x. what clothes do you sleep in: pajamas...shorts or pants and a shirt!
x. who is the last person that called you: stevennn
x. where do you want to get married:a church but have the stuff somewhere pretty
x. favorite number(s): umm...50(FIDDY) haha
x. what type of automobile do you drive:HONDA
x. are you timely or always late:usually on time
x. do you have a job:NO! lol
x. do you like being around people:yes i love people!
x. best feeling in the world:havin the one you love,love you back
x. are you a health freak:nah not really

x. have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: no
x. want someone you don't have right now: no
x. are you lonely right now: kinda
x. are you afraid you'll never get married: no...i will lol
x. do you want to get married: yes!
x. do you want kids: yes!

x. cried: no
x. bought something: yes
x. said "i love you": yes
x. met someone new: yes
x. talked to someone: yes
x. missed someone: yes
x. hugged someone: yes
x. fought with you parents: no
x. dream about someone you can't be with: no
x. had a lot of sleep: yes tons lol
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