(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 16:25

I think this might be my first post of the New Year, but I'm not 100% sure. Either way it's been awhile since I updated.

And boy do I have lots of new updates (and these are in no particular order).

My friend Joe and I caught up last night when I followed him to Needham so he could drop off his car for repairs and bring him back to Lexington. We chatted in the car in his driveway for awhile, which was nice. He gave me kick in the seat of my pants about my lackadaisical approach to the job search, which was just what I needed, considering I only have 10.5 months until my self-imposed exile from here on Oxbow Road. I need a job that pays well and doesn't make me feel so menial, so that I can pay for rent and begin my own life. That, and I need to stop whining about needing a job. So yeah, that was what I needed, and I really don't want to talk anymore about the job front. Suffice it to say I'm taking care of business my own way and on my own terms.

There are two potential new guys on the dating front. They're potentials because there haven't been any actual dates yet, just a lot of talking, but you never know. One of them is a friend of a friend and he recently broke up with his long time girlfriend (which he not-so-subtly let me know via a facebook message) so I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch. It's just nice to know that SOMETHING is going on in that area of my life, because I'm not getting any younger and I can't keep waiting 2-3 years before I go out on dates or find a boyfriend.

I got to hang out and spend some one-on-one time with Lindsay yesterday too, which was cool. We went to the North Shore Mall where I found these awesome calf-high brown boots (with a bit of a heel but not TOO much of a heel) at Filene's Basement. They were originally $90, then they were marked down to $60 and still on a clearance shelf, so that by the time I brought them up to the register they were $17.98...boy does Filene's know how to make a girl smile. They also made my Mom smile because I handed her my old 'shit-kickers' as she called my old brown boots over to her to throw out as soon as I got home. Oh yeah, I'm the good child. After our mall excursion Lins and I went back to her parent's house and made apple pies, which was a first for me and a whole lot of fun. Mine may not have looked pretty, but damn if it wasn't the tastiest thing EVER. I'm thinking of opening my own 'Pie-Hole' (please, somebody get that reference! It's from one of the best new shows on TV!).

Also got to spend the long weekend with Lauren down in New Bedford for a bit. A couple of us celebrated her birthday belatedly by getting dinner, then going to Providence for a UMaine-Providence College hockey game. UMaine won (it's only their fourth win this year) and by the end of it I took to calling #79 'Ginormous'. That cracked Lauren up, but it's true, the guy was like 6'7" on ice skates and towering over everyone else on the rink, even the referees!!! It was funny too because eventually I shortened it to just 'Gi' and only she and I understood the reference. Then we went back to her place for cake and chatting with her friends down there...all in all it was a very good time.

Let's see, what else...my grandmother has been making herself sick lately with worrying about stupid stuff. Her brother John rear-ended someone at a read light the other day. Everyone walked away from the accident just fine but John's car is totaled. She stared telling me how 'nervous' she was and how her stomach 'didn't feel right' because she was concerned for him; "He needs his car to go get groceries and get to the doctors, what's he going to do without a car????"...this, only two hours after the accident occurred. She wasn't even concerned about her brother's well being or the other driver's, just that John needs a car. Then she starts worrying about his financial situation and how they're going to make his money last and how he doesn't want to transfer funds to savings accounts with higher interest yields because of the paperwork involved...I swear to God, that man must have been a mean old mountain goat in a past life, because he is the STUBBORNEST MAN ALIVE!!! It drives me batty, makes my Grammy 'nervous', makes my Mom crazy because she has to listen to Grammy worry and then try to coordinate with my Uncle Stephen about what they're going to do for the two of them...gah, it's enough to make your head spin. Add to that that some random second cousin of Grammy's died the other day and she's trying to contact these long lost relatives about getting to the wake...'Kayla, I'm so nervous, I can't get in touch with Rona', 'Do you know when the wake is or where the wake is for Mr. So and so?', 'No', 'Then why are you trying to call your cousin Rona for a ride when you don't have any information about the particulars yet?'...If I have to listen to her tell me how nervous she is one more time, I'm going to scream.

I might as well just lock myself in the loony bin at McLean's now.

And on that note, I need to go do some prep work for dinner. Hope you all like the long update (especially the whiny bits about the family)...I'll try and update more frequently in the future. Ciao for now though!
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