Feb 23, 2005 23:30
Robin Williams was on Bill Maher tonight. Fuck yea.
"They have to formulate a constitution and we're like "Take ours, we're not using it." ~ RW
"Big ideas, small sentences." ~ RW about George W. Bush
"Young people are supposed to rage against the machine, not rage for it." ~ BM
"Bush actually said this: 'Is our children learning?'... No they isn't." ~ BM
"Every Friday night, if I'm going to spout off pro-Bush propaganda, it's not freedom or entertainment. It's Fox News." ~ BM
Titles of works of art that GWB has changed: (these are not true, for those of you that can't take a joke, but he has changed the name of the art he owns)
Dali's Persistence of Time --> Global Warming Needs More Study
The Thinker --> The Flip-Flopper