(no subject)

Jun 06, 2005 14:25

Well..i guess its been awhile..Almost a year.  Thats practiacally an acomplishment.

So...i left New Paltz after a night of partying with some awesome friends.  It was a potlucky relaxed thingie with some beer.  My sister refers to it as “the anarchist party.”  That alone would qualify it as the best “thingie” ever.  It was last minute and i felt like more people shoulda been there.  I wish i could do it again, at a bigger place, with all my friends and not have to worry about leaving early the next morning.   I guess that means we should all try again when i get back to NP.  Lauren and I will have a new apartment to break in at the end of summer. I havent seen the place yet but i am really excited.  I cant wait to go back to NP already.

Well being here has been a lot like being in Syracuse. Whenever I land here it seems like my life goes on the fritz.  Don’t get me wrong.  Its good to be here; being with Mesh and Sahar is great.  I hope to get in some good RPing with my bro and maybe I can convince my sister to show me the bars around here before she heads off to Vermont. Riding bikes here late at night is definitely one of the best parts about being in Syracuse.  It feels so post apocalyptic, and I always learn something new about the city I live in.  Ive also had a chance to fix up my bike with friends of mine and go canoeing and kayaking.

BUUUT..being here is crazy.  My sister was recently in a car accident, my allergies have reduced me to a human version of Slimer with runny eyes and ears that itch like crazy.  I have a whole list of things I want to do but every time I get started all this stuff gets in the way that make doing those things impossible.  I wont bore anyone with the details but lets just say the reason I cant clean my room is because every time I open the door its like that scene in BeatleJuice where the door actually opens into a desert with giant worms eager to gobble up unsuspecting trespassers and if it weren’t for the fact that I don’t mind sleeping with worms or in a desert and I never bothered them about making my room such a horrible mess those giant worms with razor sharp teeth, impenetrable hides and lasers..fucking lasers!..on their heads (and they breathe ninja stars)  they would prolly kill my ass and leave me to rot next to the cactus that used to be my dresser so unless you want me to be killed, mom, LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT CLEANING MY ROOM...

I miss New Paltz.  i think i forgot to pack my electric razor and my sanity.

I miss Lauren.  Sleep isn’t the same without her.

Shit im whining ..time for a survey!

1. If you were to write a memoir of your life up until now, what would be the climax of the story?  That is a really good question.  The first though that came to my mind was being in Kuwait.  Not necessarily because being there was the most exciting time of my life but because I felt like so much of my past was in preparation and a hope to go back there.  Especially those moments I was hanging out with my little sister Lujein and my cousins. Actually I feel like that time, about year ago, was the birth of all different kinds of beginnings for me.

2.If you could've been part of any social movement (any time, any location), which one would you have wanted to be a part of and why?  I have no idea.  If I could pick three it would be Paris Commune, the current EZLN movement in Mexico, and the anti imperialist movement in India with Gandhi.  I chose these ones cuz I cant even imagine what it would be like, must be like, to feel part of a movement so full of desperation and hope and spirit that failure just wasn’t an option. They achieved the impossible.  Even in death those movements are still successful. We look in the shadows and find hope where there is hopelessness.

3.If I wisked you away to live in another country, where would you want to be wisked away to? Italy or spain.  Maybe mexico.  Any country.  ALL COUNTIRES! Bwahahaha..but seriously.  I would love to be wisked away to Mexico.

4.Batman had his batmobile. Wonder woman had an invisible plane. What would be SuperDulla's mode of transportation? SuperDulla’s mode of transportation, other than the Bus or Laurzilla’s car would be a Hummer.  It would be an H2 to be exact, bright pink, and it would run on BioDiesel and sunlight.  The hummer would have a computer personality in it like in Nightrider except it would be with the voice and respond to the name of Mr T. On the sides it would say KRANG in light blue and would have blue tassels on the sideview mirrors.  On the back would be a bumper sticker saying “Directa yo feetsa to daddy greene’s Pizza”.  One of his missions while driving with Mr T would be to do nothing but seek out other hummers and park right next to them, and follow them around all the time.  When they get really angry with him SuperDulla will challenge them to a pie eating contest and lose purposefully. Just when the driver thinks they have him beat Mr T would crash repeatedly into their Hummer.  His Hummer would have the ability to infect other Hummers with diseases that change the color and flare of the other vehicle while at the same time giving their owners explosive diarrhea every time they get in it.

5.what do you think is the worst invention man ever made?

Civilization..but that’s kinda cheating…

The car..its so wasteful and has done more to separate humyns from each other and nature and contributed greatly to pollution.  Yeah I would say the car.  If that doesn’t count than I would go with Paris Hilton.
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