this is a post about the DNC from the Boston IMC that i thought was really well done. something about it really called out to me. It was posted by a person named Eric:
The last picture of the kid with the bruises is my friend and I watched him get swung to the ground by about 4 cops. He was standed there, doing nothing, and they threw him. Later I saw the police screaming "Get the fuck out of my way" why slamming clubs. I saw another protester get slammed to the ground, and saw the protester in green get hauled off. What makes people who weren't there think that it was violent protesters? Remember, this all happened just after around 20 riot cops came down and moved in on our permitted protest. Remember that GWB (and others), we had legal right to be there. On to the "oh he deserved it" bullshit. Why exactly does an 18 year old deserve to be slammed on the pavement by huge police? Because he envisions a society where they aren't necessary? Because he disagrees with you? Let's talk after you've been inside a police riot. What credibility do the police have? It was a peaceful protest, we had been marching and chanting all day (not to mention all week). The violence only started when POLICE shoved, when police grabbed, or when police hospitalized a woman with their batons. Or when a police superintendent shoved the Democracy Now! camera woman and violently pushed a woman with a microphone (in the head). The police with their guns, masks, sticks, gas, and handcuffs are violent. When you watch these things happen, there is no way you can say the protesters are violent. Look at us, with our pirate garb, our raised peace signs, our chants and singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" while being escorted by about 30 bike cops, a helicopter, around 20 motor cycles, undercovers, cops on horses and in cars (no joke, we sang it). THEY are the ones trying to spread fear and violence. Don't forget, the theme of Thursday's march was anti-war, pro-peace. The cops in ninja-turtle outfits are the troublemakers.
I dunno..maybe its not that special..i just liked is the link to the pictures that Eric is refering to: