Dec 07, 2003 01:30
So hopefully the worst is over. Lost a girl, lost a job, and live with my parents once again. I fortunatly get to start my new job on monday which is kick ass. Hopefully i can grow the fuck up this time with this job and keep it. Come hell or high water i will keep this job. Unless i have another completely lined up already.
As much as i dont like to say it my mom made a good point to me the other day. She stated that it seemed as if the type of girls i am going for are girls who dont have too high of self esteem. At first i was a little short with this statement from her until i thought about it a bit. She was right, i do (unconciously) find girls with low self esteem to match my own. Something i should probably remedy but easier said than done. Some who know me think i am full of confidence while other who know me well tend to see through my front i like to put up.
My kid was finally born, and he is BEAUTIFUL. Just kidding about the whole my kid for those who dont know the joke. Meg and Jack, you guys did well, you did very well. Also, mad props on your aniv. Sometimes i just look at you two and you can just see the love pouring out of you guys and i respect the hell of that. Cause you guys are pretty young for the situation your in but you handle it well.
Next, i just miss my dale b!! I cant wait for my boy to be 21. "He is just getting so big so fast!!" hehe. Cant wait for this weekend, that is if i am still on the invite list. I have been waiting for this day for a while now.
PS. Lookin for the ol love life to spice up once again, got any suggestions you know how to reach me.