I am addicted to a facebook application. It's called H20pia. It's actually an application that has a purpose. It's basically this: you have a "realm" (aka a lake that is your own personal fishbowl) . You get points for feeding other people's fish and cleaning their "realm" as well as for sending people house parts and fish. As you give so many fish you go up "levels." Certain fish breed with certain levels.
As I said it has a purpose. For every 24 fish you send, H20pia will make a donation that will fund about 1 days worth of clean water for 1 person. The organization the application works with is
www.wateraidamerica.org/ If you want to add this app on facebook you should. I can send you an invite if you want. I've been playing this game for 11 days and with the fish that I've sent I've provided 4 days worth of water. I'm enjoying it, truly.