I was commissioned last week to make a promo video for Yerba Buena Center for the Arts' Christmas party/fundraiser. I got the gig cause they had seen a rough-cut I had made for a CHRISTRAPER SINGS video. They gave me no budget, really, and just a stipend for pay. I came up with this idea in a day and pulled it out of my ass ahead of schedule. Shot the thing on Thursday all day into the night. Had a rehearsal and then performance on Friday/Saturday. Stayed up all night Sunday-into-Monday editing. Presented it to YBCA in person on Monday morning.
I think a did a fucking fantastic job for them. They seemed to love it as well. It's starting to appear in blogs and things.
Uptown Almanac called it "a goddamned masterpiece", which was nice. I've made a number of films over the years, but I never made such a straight narrative. Nor a genre film, for that matter. I shot it with a $150.00 HD Flip cam. I think a lot of the shots are beautiful and psycho-spiritual. My editing is tight. I made correct decisions in throwing out things that looked awesome but did not work, and the guy who was my main character and I had a great time shooting it.
I got a nice letter from my best friend's boyfriend telling me that it was visually sumptuous and that I need to make more. I definitely want to make more. I'm not so secretly hoping that YBCA hires me, or someone does... Whatever the case, this has built my confidence in a major way.
Also, last week, As I referred to above, I scored a performance piece for my friend Harold using an 18th century hymn written by a Calvinist minister who once had lived a very sinful and carnal life. Or so he says in the intro to his book of hymns. I got video of our Saturday night performance. Which was part of a big todo with 7 other performance art pieces being shown in someone's rad living space in the Mission. Our piece was very witchy and fairly intense. I got video of that, too. Here:
Last week was about kicking ass, obviously.