Third, and final for now, interview from
1) So, I know about lifestyle and academic changes that you're looking forward to in Berkeley, but what are some of the things about the locale itself that you are looking forward to? How about not looking forward to?
Well, I’m looking forward to the weather. I love Boston, but this past winter really broke me. I’m looking forward to being able to ride my bike more or less year-round, even if it is going to be foggy some of the time. I’m looking forward to fresher produce and better Asian food. I’m looking forward to cutting down packs of happy Californians with my icy Bostonian glares.
I’m not looking forward to the ground occasionally trying to swallow me whole or make my roof fall on my head.
2) Which Buffy character that wasn't in the 7th season do you wish had made a return towards the end? Why?
I would have liked to see them make more creative use of the First Evil’s ability to appear as any dead person: what would Giles have to say to Jenny Calendar now? Would principal Snyder have any effect on the Scooby Gang now that they’re four years out of high school? What would Faith have said to her first watcher (not Gwendolyn Post, but the one that was killed by Kakistos)? I also might have enjoyed seeing Olivia again. I mean, what’s up between her and Giles? Are they still (were they ever) seeing each other? Is she dead?
3) What field that is completely unrelated to yours would you want to be in (this is presuming that you made the decision awhile ago and have trained for that)? Why?
If not classics, I’d like to be doing something that has a practical application and that could be used directly to safeguard disadvantaged people. I might go to law school and try to prosecute some corporate fraud cases. Some sort of urban planning or international development would also be an option.
4) Satan/Darth Vader/G.W. Bush is trying to lure you to his/her side. What does he offer you to seduce you to the dark side?
Darth Vader would probably offer me power, because I don’t think that he really understands the value of anything else. Likewise, Bush would probably offer me cash. Satan is a little trickier, because he always seems to know what a person wants. He might offer me immortality, having picked up on my atheistic fear of death, but he would probably also realize that in simply showing up he would have alleviated. He’d probably offer me knowledge - I’d definitely be able to convince myself that I could use my new knowledge to outsmart him in return. That’s probably how the devil would get the upper hand on me.
5) You are starting a band. What instrument would you want to magically know how to play? What other instruments are in your band? Who are your influences (ie, what is the sound you're striving for?)
I’m going with the guitar. The whole band would probably have your traditional set up: two guitars, bass, drums, and possibly keyboards. When choosing imaginary influences it’s hard not to try to lay claim to Stephin Merritt’s versatility and irony, but I think I might have more fun if his lyrical cleverness were infused with a little bit of the Pixies’ musical joie de vivre and Bikini Kill’s low production standards.