В Штатах - юбилей:(5 лет иракской авантюре!)

Mar 17, 2008 18:35

Нью-Йорк готовится встретить вторую пятилетку достойно:)

Wednesday, March 19
(Fifth Anniversary of Shock and Awe)

Noon, Knit-In with Granny Peace Brigade
Times Square Recruiting Station, Manhattan

Noon, Protest at Brooklyn Office of Congressional Rep. Vito Fossella, 8505 4th Avenue, corner 85th St, Bay Ridge. Rep. Fossella continues to vote unconditional funding to support the Iraq war. Sponsored by Bay Ridge Peace Action.

4:00 pm, "Keep the Promises" Rally for Education, Not War. City Hall. Rally to protest education cuts.  Bring the message Education, Not War! We need lots of help to pass out River to River fliers. volunteer@unitedforpeace.org

Evening Vigils
Bronx: Candlelight Vigil 5:30 - 7:00 Sedgwick Avenue and Van Cortlandt Ave, across from the C-Town.

Manhattan: Silent Walk for Peace, Rally, Speak Out/Speak In
5:30 - Gather at West End and 86th St.
6:00 - Silent Walk to 73rd and Broadway, Verdi Park for a rally.
7:30 - Speak Out/Speak In at St. Rutger's Church on 73rd St.

Koreatown: Choose Peace, End War Candlelight Vigil and Rally
5:30 - 7:30, 32nd & Broadway, Manhattan. Sponsored by Nodutol

Grand Army Plaza: Flashlight Vigil: Brooklyn Says No to War
6:00. Vigil then march to Military Recruiting Station at 41 Flatbush Ave. (at Livingston), downtown Brooklyn. Sponsored by Brooklyn for Peace

Tuesday, March 18
Speak Out! 4 - 7:30. With speakers Naomi Klein, Laura Flanders and more.  Screenings from Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan. Exhibitions: Eyes Wide Open and Costs of War. Information tables of 12 NYC activist groups. powerHouse Arena, 37 Main St, Dumbo, Brooklyn. Free!

Saturday, March 22
River to River
Join Hands for Peace
Noon - Hands Across 14th St.
1:00 - March from both ends of the line to converge on Park Avenue between 15th and 17th Streets
2:00 - Commemoration: Tolling of the Bells, 5 Minutes of Silence, Taps. Bring Photos and Flowers.


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