Desperate but not hopeless

Jun 18, 2009 22:54



Alrighty, think that's out of my system now. There's no way I could be on elljay and not have heard that particular spoiler, but I was still pretty upset. I didn't think most of his actions were morally correct or anything like that, but I loved his character anyway. (btw, when it comes to the is-he-dead-or-not? debate, I'm neutral.) I don't think I've cried that much over something fictional since Odin Sphere or Aerith's death. Arthur at Suzaku's tomb was tremendously depressing too. I started to freak out over what would happen to him until I saw him in the wedding photo. >.<

I would've mainly liked to see what happened to the other characters more, like what happened to Sayoko, how Lloyd coped in a peaceful world, and if Milly and Rivalz hooked up. They left a lot of unanswered questions - What was that initial disagreement between Lloyd and Rakshata? What is C.C.'s real name?

My opinion of the characters changed a lot. C.C. went from pretty cool to freakin' awesome (why did Kallen have to interrupt them? asldfkjljd), and Nina and Suzaku more than redeemed themselves. Schneizel is kind of a dick, though.But he makes a damn sexy prisoner And if they brought back Guilford from a nuclear bomb AND Cornelia from a bazillion gunshots, why couldn't Rolo have come back from a couple heart attacks

In real life matters, my car is broke. On the way to the dentist the brake light came on, followed by the low fuel blinker (apparently I have one of those gages that likes to randomly move from half full to all full or from a quarter of a tank to NOTHING.) My mom and I barely made it to the gas station, but just as we were driving away the brakes stopped working almost completely. We called my dad, filled it up with brake fluid, traded cars, and made it in time, but they stopped working again when my dad was in the driveway. So there's a leak that we'll probably have to take it to the mechanic to fix. Grrr. But at least the air conditioner decided to start working. I'm not sure, I think it's possessed and has a sense of irony.

A few days ago the power to the area was out for about seven hours. No clue why, but as long as it doesn't happen again... On the bright side, I finished most of 1984 in one sitting. Great book, but what a downer. Now I should probably finish Wicked...

I'm trying to decided what to do for my birthday. No party? A party with close friends? A party with lots of friends? These things are too complicated for me.

Lately I've been watching Rave Master again just because it's on the so-bad-its-good line. I'm too lazy to quote any of the dialogue at the moment, but I'm sure I'll have something by next week. It's not much worse than the average, cliched shonen show, I think, but the animation takes all kinds of shortcuts and the English dub almost goes into camp. Speaking of which, started Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged series. Hilarious, but makes me nostalgic for the real thing.

Oh, and I think my eye is all better now. ^.^

EDIT: I really need to start writing when I can make an entry without multiple typos. Gah.

i fail at life, fandom is destroying my soul, code geass, teh sadness

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