
Jan 10, 2010 13:49

Ok. I might've found a work around, but at the moment, it's letting me view without replying. It defintely ammused me that mom is replying to these postings on facebook anyway.

As such, facebook is still limited, and I can't even read e-mails sent through facebook. E-mail is still your best way to get ahold of me. I can read replies here on LJ though.

To answer any other questions folks have, I'm doing a similar job here in BC to what I was doing in Afghanistan last year, however there's a lot more organising going on here. All the locations are temporary for the purposes of the Games; nothing was set up before we arrived, and everything will be torn down after we leave. This also means that I'm helping organise activities and events for folk's down time... none of that was in place when I arrived.

I'm glad to have the KAF experience under my belt from last winter, so I have an idea of what kinds of programs to run and what the fellas want to do. We're extremely limited in the amount of space we've got, so team sports are pretty limited... no indoor frizbee here. Because of the terrain, there's really no outdoor feild space either.

Same as with my overseas work, there's a certain amount of Opsec involved with what I am, and am not allowed to say. if you're frustrated by lack of details, fear not: I'm equally frustrated by having to write around those details. That goes for e-mails too... Marie sends me an e-mail asking what it's like, and really, I can't say anything more than she already knows, or could figure out by looking at the weather forcasts for the areas around the sites of the Olympic Games.

For instance; it's raining. Apparently it's been raining for most of the last week, and should continue raining for the rest of this week. I tried to convince the higher ups to let us make an Ice rink for hockey, but no luck... not enough space off the roads, and the roads are... well... in use.

I think this is it for now, I'll try to update if there's something worth updating... until then... Toodles!


op sec(urity), fb, op podium

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