Leesten cloasly, faur ah shall say dis, oanly oance.

Apr 13, 2009 04:26

Ahh, mah friends, ah must ahppologahze faur mah long absence. Mah Deeggings 'ad to take priority to mah correspondences. 'owever, as ah write, ah await mah plane to take yaurs truely back to de universiteh. ah 'ave many memories fraum de deeg dat ah will aulways remember an' cherish, dough ah was reminded dat not aull deegs ahre ahdventures. Dere were many days where aull dat 'appened was eart' moving fraum one place to anot'er, an' many days where Mere Terra blew 'er cheeks out an' left maur fresh eart' on de places we'd cleared de days befaur. Ah kept fahnding dust een places ah deed no t'ink dust could be faund. Ah became ver'y close wit' ahnother arch'ologeest fraum de Soveet States, 'oom ah shall only call 'Babooshka' 'ere, for 'er protection fraum de Partee watchers at de deeg. Dey feel relat'ons wit ot'er re-serchers ees deestracting fraum de work, an mah feer ees dat de Soveets woul' send 'er home befaur 'er work wahs completed, shoul' dey learn 'er name.

Mah flight awaits, mah friends. ah 'ave meest joo aull, an weel be 'ome soon. until den, ah remain,

Yaurs Truhley,

Tennessee Smith.

tennessee smith

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