"Optomistic Bias"

Oct 14, 2008 12:16

I was just reading over a link regarding the current economic troubles in the US and... well... subsequent economic turmoil elsewhere in the world. It starts out with a list of contributing Cognitave Errors. (I'll link below so you can read everything.) one in particular caught my eye... seems the writer has a sense of humour.

Optimistic bias: People tend to be overconfident about their own abilities and the outcome of their plans. Something like 90% of people think that they are above average drivers less likely to get into an accident than the average joe. This is so pervasive that there is actually a scientific name for the few people who accurately assess their own future, their abilities, and what other people think of them: clinically depressed.

well, shit. Does this mean I'm clinically depressed?


In other news, I leave in two days.


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