Leesten closely, faur ah shall say dis,
honly oance.
Ahfter ah month in de deep naurt'ern woodlaunds ohf canadia, ah returned to de universiteh. De expedition to de naurt' whas far less lucratif dan ah 'ad 'oped, an ah felt de need to cut mah losses an' return 'ome. Part ohf whay tings did no work aut faur me, whas becaus ah simply could no' push mahself to de limits dat de research required. Ah am no' ashamed to say, ah found mahself to be weak.
Ah 'ave found mahself een ahn interesting turn ohf events, 'owever. W'ere befaur ah employed guides to 'elp me ohn mah journey, dis time ah find mahself de guide faur others. Ah 'ope dat eet shall return de strengths ah oance 'ad, an 'elp me rehmember 'ow to do for mahself what ah 'ave come to rely on ot'ers to do.
Ah 'ave been takin' ot'er adventurhers trough de wilds ohf de oh'tawa river, nahvigating deir boats daun de swifts an' rapids, past de naytifs on l'ile du grand-calumet, (or de island ohf de peace pipe) an being de dashing rescuar faur de ladies in dis-dresses 'oo 'ave fallen fraum deir vessel. (ah find mahself wonderink, 'ave ah evar allowed mah lady companions to wear improper clot'es on mah 'adventurs? 'ave ah put mah guides at risk? ah shall surely be maur careful in mah future travels.)
Aulready, ah feel de weakness fraum befaur melting ahway. de recompense is no' too bad, eit'er, an some of de rescued damsels 'ave been... erm... most appreciative. Ahs de Men ohf deir party pack deir belongings faur de trip ohverland, de ladies sometimes add ah bonus to mah pay faur mah 'elp in deir trouble.
De ot'er guides on de river ahre no' all men (or women) ohf mah stature, indeed, no' all ohf dem 'ave been edu-cated as ah 'ave been aht de universiteh. Sohme ohf de guides 'ave stahrted addressing yaurs truhly as "Rabbi", which ah 'ave no objections to, buht ah mus' say, eet 'as made faur some confusion ohf mah fait' wit' de adventurhers. ah can honly laugh an' play along.
Until mah nex' letter ahrives,
ah remain, yaurs truely,
Tennessee Smith