Feb 11, 2009 21:16
so much deep issues going on right now. so muchmany.
which is good, since everything else in my life now is really really vain. like, oh yes, i need to buy more pretty vintage dresses. and large tacky bows for my hair.
so, good news. today, chris the christian grabbed my shoulder when i wasn't paying attention, to say hi, and i made some horrible gahhkkkflur noise because when i'm at school i don't expect anyone to reach out and grab my shoulder because i don't really know chris the christian, or anyone else for that matter unless i go out of my way to find them somewhere on campus. and i sure don't try to send chris the christian friendly vibes, even though he's an okay guy, but he keeps being all nice christian named chris to me. not okay! i object!
i could write volumes and volumes on the awkwardness of my religiousy classes. and chris the christian would only take up a fraction of that.
all right, well, off to jam to the handsome furs and clean things, give me strength!
shimmy sparkle shimmy.