Why Is It...

May 12, 2006 15:16

...that whenever I think of a good title for one of my journal entries that I lose it?

All right, so an update on the entalmay ealthhay situation: I am feeling better. Yeah, not quite like skipping around in a field of daisy and screaming to the world that I love everyone and everything in life -- that'll be the day the core of the Earth is filled with extreme-heat-resistance bunnies who have actually been gnawing at the interior of the Earth -- which, we shall find out, is truly carrots with hot sauce -- and, in the end, cause it to implode. As cool as that would be, I'm going to say that it won't happen. And if it does, well, look for me falling through the dirt in a field of daisy. I'll still be screaming my praise for the world; you just might hear me. ;)

Okay, so some (possibly) interesting journal entry-ness for your enjoyment. There's a ninety percent chance of spoiler posting -- behind a cut; I'm not cruel like that -- with a ten percent chance of me saying the word "brilliant" and/or cyber sobbing. But first... Tales from My Life! Huzzah!

Tales from My Life! Huzzah!

So where do I begin? Hm… I’ll go backwards, seeing as the first tale is relatively short, most likely not that interesting, and just about me doing something slightly nutty.

Today: Well, today, I was walking home, and I was about one-hundred-feet from the school when I thought, My shoes are very confining. I think I’ll take them off. So I did. I just stopped right there on the side of the road near some random house I walk by almost every weekday and took my shoes off. Then I proceeded to walk a mile on wet asphalt, wet dirt, and quite a few rocks. Yet, my feet feel much better, and I realized I walk faster without shoes. So yay! Boring tale, now to the better one.

Wednesday: Oh, yes, something interesting did happen on good ol’ “Hump Day”. Let’s see…. How do I begin this tale?

It was a semi-dark -- more like overcast -- and slightly chilly afternoon…. (Sorry Snoopy.)

I was walking home, listening to my iPod -- which I decided to use that day because it hadn’t been used in a while -- and just sauntering along at a leisurely pace. Maybe I was whistling, maybe I was thinking thoughts that I’d rather not share here -- who knows? (Not me.) Anyway, it went like that, just walking, until I approached my house, where, as custom, I dropped my bag on the ground before the door and searched for my key. Well, I’m standing there for about five minutes, just digging around for that key, when all of a sudden, I remember: I gave the key to my dad right before we went on the cruise, and because the weekend we came back I was preoccupied with finishing my stupid math homework -- that’s what the title was: “They Don’t Call Them Math Problems for Nothing” -- and packing for D.C., I forgot to ask for it back, and, of course, the Monday before D.C. I used the hidden spare key and never put it back. Genius. It’s like this was destine to happen. Two days this week my mom was home sick and let us -- my sister and I -- in when we came home, but Wednesday, we were motherless, keyless, and hopeless.

This was a situation that would make any parent proud, right? You know, it wasn't so much the being locked-out part that worried me; it was going to be my mom. Yeah, you see, every afternoon we're supposed to call our parents at work -- *cough*worrymuchyeah?*cough* -- to let them know we're home and alive. Usually, I would call my dad, but he was -- and still is -- away on a fishing trip, so he wasn't a concern. But my mom, on the other hand, was going to wait for us to call, and when we didn't, she was going to call the house. Well, we couldn't exactly pick up the phone when she did, so I'm thinking, Aw crap. We're screwed. as I'm walking over to grab something to try and pick the locks with out of the ground (it didn't work, by the way, on any of the doors. I'll just say it now to make the story a tad bit shorter). Now, you may be thinking, Why didn't you just go over to one of your neighbors' houses? Good question. The answer: I was going to go over and ask to use their phone to call my mom and then just hang in our screen-porch, but then the savior UPS man came. (Thank God for human error!)

He was supposed to drop off some packages at our next door neighbors house but came to our house fist, and after he went over to our neighbors to drop off the packages, I asked him if he "possibly had a cell phone and if I could possibly use his cell phone?". He did, and he let me use it. I call my mom, told her the situation, and was so thankful for being able to contact her that.... I was a complete idiot and forgot to tell her that I call from the UPS man's cell phone -- which was a very horrible thing to do because, if she wanted to call us back -- and I'm sure she did -- she had nowhere to call. Bummer. Anyway, I thanked the best UPS in the world, walked over to my sister, who had also tried to pick locks and pry open doors with me but was then sitting around thinking We're screwed as well. Fun, fun!

So, I tell her, "C'mon. Let's go to the screen-porch and sit in there until mom comes home. It's not as wet in there." (It did rain the entire day before.) We walk in, and I set myself up a nice little area. Then, I notice the pet door and try to pry it open. Nothing. I tell Jen to try opening it. Well, because my sister is a genius, she kicked it and then punched it, and, hooray! it opens a crack. So she hits it some more, and the whole thing is kicked off! Yay! Now to go in, but how? The door's locked, and I certainly can't fit through the pet door, nor can my sister. I see a flagpole just lying around, and a brilliant idea comes. I strip down to my undies, -- yes, I did, and it was freaking freezing -- grab the flagpole, and managed to put the flagpole through before fitting my body up to my waist in the door. You see, the lock on the door is one of the ones you turn with your hand, so after a couple of tries, I managed to turn the lock! Yahoo! Except. Crap. I remember that the is a lock on the doorknob -- an itsy, bitsy teeny, weeny lock that you turn with two fingers -- that needs to be turned to actually actually open the door. So I stand, put on the sweatshirt I wore to school that day, and look around for something else to use. Then I look outside: there's a mop handle (we really need to clean out our backyard) -- cleanin'? Ain't that for them so-phis-te-kat-ud folks in them purty houses? I walk out, grab it, -- in case you were wondering what my sister was doing, she was pushing on the door as to be ready for me to unlock it -- and go back to my position. Okay, so after about five minutes of trying to unlock the tiny lock, I'm becoming slightly agitated. Stupid thing. I amazing push myself further in the pet door and think, Aw, screw it, I'm gonna try and through it. So I did. I pushed myself though it and screamed, "Hey, Jen, I did it!" I open the door for her, and she's flabbergasted that I fit through the door, with good reason. I'll give you some measurement I took.

Pet-door sizes: Height (without cover and plastic door): 15 inches, width ("..."): 9 inches, and diagonal measurement: 16 inches
My sizes (the important ones, anyway): Height: 5'5", hips: 32 1/2", waist: 27 1/2", shoulders: 16", and bust: 33". (I'll do metrics later for my non-American friends/readers.)

So I'm not "petite", because my genes won't permit it. But, hey, healthy is better than twiggy, right?

It was a seriously triumphant day, for that and the fact I received no injuries from doing it, so yippee! My mom couldn't believe it, and I wanted to show her. Unfortunately, she thinks that it's too dangerous and won't let me show her. (Although it's probably a good thing she's not feeding my invincible state of mind, the usual case with teenage thinking.)

So that is my tale. I'm sorry if your eyes hurt now. I like details, even if they're pointless. *sheepish*

There you are. I might have more of those in the future. Hopefully I won't have to strip down to my panties and go to a pet-door again -- regardless of how cool it was!

You know what? I'll spare you the spoilers for now. But don't think I won't edit later!

And Jade: In the edit, I'll comment to your inspiring comments. :)

Best Song/Album of the Week: (I'm going to change it; I'm just going to recommend music) "1979" by the Smashing Pumpkins

I'll be back.... eventually.

EDIT: After the Loss of Broadband but Before the Building of the Arc

Break out the buckets and start building an arc, people who know what I'm talking about. We're gonna be a-sinkin' soon.

Jeez, whatever happened to, "April showers bring May flowers." It's more like, "May torrential downpours bring June floating doors." (Hey, I'm tired. My A-material is catching up on its "z's". We're seriously being flooded. Where's Noah when you need him?

Okay, so enough about the awful weather -- which I did, willingly, walk in yesterday; I had to get out, so I asked my mom if I could go for a walk, put on a coat and some sandals, and just went for a quickie walk. Let's see...what else to do? Oh right, spoilers and whatnot. Eh, I'll just skip it because they're floating around everywhere. So I shall allow you all to fend for yourselves when it comes to spoilers. (You're welcome, Jade.) ;)

And, of course, my thank you to Jade: Thank you. And you should try out comedian as another occupation. You'd do well. :)

Well, okay, I'm not promising another edit of this because I'm just that lazy, so see everyone next week. ;)

tales from my life

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