For all readers of my fanfiction, you might take interest in
this note. It’s just a bit of a declaration. That’s all.
Okay, have not updated in more than two weeks -- sixteen days to be exact. Anyway, that wasn’t the
"hiatus" of which I spoke. I don’t know when that will be. Maybe when schools starts. Trust me, I’m going to be busy. (All Honors’ classes. This ought to be quite a laugh for God. I’m going to be doing more juggling than, well, a juggler, really, if I must use a weak simile.)
Hark, though, because I bear an article…which some of my friends may not like. *blushes* Sorry, but I do agree with it. I’m, the article says all.
Disclaimer: The original author of this article is Joel Achenbach, and I took it from The Week magazine: page fourteen, volume six, issue two-sixty six/two sixty-seven, for the weeks of July seventh and fourteenth. It was first posted in The Washington Post. I disclaim all, and as I write it here is how The Week posted it.
“Devaluing a Perfectly Obscene Word”
The F-word isn’t what it used to be, said Joel Achenbach in The Washington Post. Once the most taboo - and thus the most emphatic - word in all the English language, "the F-bomb" is now used in everyday speech as an "all-purpose intensifier". Hip-hop artists, bloggers, and people under twenty-five use "f---" so casually and frequently that it has lost its power to shock. The word has become so mundane, in fact, that even politicians such as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and John Kerry have all felt comfortable using it in interviews and in public. The cheapening of "f---" is a shame-"not because it is a bad word, but because, in certain circumstances, it is a very good word." Dropped into the right sentence at the right time, the word’s "rock-hard consonants" explode off the tongue, making "plain language more colorful and empathic." Drop a hammer on your toe, and nothing provides the therapeutic value of shouting "F---!" (Try shouting "Drat!" or "Dangnabbit!") To convey fury, or urgency, or comical incongruity, nothing works as well as "f---," as long as it is reserved for these special occasions. So in the interests of one of the English language’s greatest legacies, let’s all stop saying f---, unless we have a really good cause. "For the good of human communication we must come together, as a people, to protect this word, and ensure that, years from now, it remains obscene."
Mister Achenbach, thank you, sir. You need to come to my school, armed with a truckload of soap and toothbrushes, and force the perpetrators of the cheapening to repent their destruction. (And I know some people are going to disagree with this, so I’m going to sit right here and wait for a little while.)
Notes to Friends
angelfirenze, I’m sorry to hear about your college troubles. (You do actually have an excuse to use "the F-bomb".)
blushingsigh, I'm going to miss you. You are such an amazing person -- talented, spiritual, loving -- and did not deserve whatever happened to you. If you ever need (or want) to talk to me, don't hesitate to drop a line. I'm here for you. I might not be the best at my timing (which is why I'm leaving you a note now), but just...if the urge strikes, send me an e-mail or leave comment, and we'll talk.
To both of you: *HUGS*
Well, folks, I'm going on vacation for a week (hence the update), and then I'll be starting school. (Anyone want some of my "Goody-Goody Gumdrops"? There's way to much sarcasm sweet, sweet sugar in them.) Updates will be sporadic -- more sporadic? -- and the fanfiction juices might not be a-flowin' for the first few weeks. (Why do I have a sense of approaching doom?)
Well, I need to perform basic, human tasks to satisfy my basic, human needs, so I shall see everyone later. (Oh, and don't forget if you haven't already:
free "You're Pitiful" downloads! ---
A Couple of Questions
Everyone knows that "The End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) is by REM, right? I just couldn't fit the entire thing in the space provided.
Does anyone have any clue as to when the new season of evil!CSI is starting? I haven't a clue, nor have I seen any commercials to answer my question.
Best Song/Album of the Week: "Don't Drink the Bathwater" by Placebo. Okay, I need to say this now: I am not referring to the band from the UK; I'm referring to Leslie Feist's (or just Feist's) high school band. Yes, I do own their first (and only) official release. It's such a fantastic album. If you see it anywhere (and actually like Feist as an artist) grab it and hold it for dear life, because it's rare.
(Why can't it snow? It's too hot! *jumps into a vat of ice cubes*)