Jan 15, 2006 22:11
so my xmas went well. i got to see my family & my dads relatives. always a good time eating like 5-6 courses on xmas eve.
i got a SWIFER wet jet!! yeess!! my bro got me supertroopers on dvd. haha :P i got so much bath&body works stuff to last me til next xmas! and of course i got $$$ from relatives specifically to spend on fun stuff and not to be used for bills. hah
~hangouts on the east side~
ok so since i was jobless (i was home for only 3 weeks so whats the point in getting a new job??), my schedule was based on .25 cent wing nite on wed and karaoke nite on fri. lol me and julie def became like regulars there. always a fun time chillin with steve and milo...townies! hah and hearing that steve likes cynthia...him going up to jamie her ex asking him about her,etc etc. lol *yada yada yada...* finding out that milo throws like the biggest parties on the mountain...last one had 11 kegs. too bad the next party is the 20th...man school sucks. lol jk karaoke nite was even more interesting! so since thanksgiving break, matt's lil 28 yr old gf is now separated from her husband and is currently having another kid...this time it is matt's! lol omg wow sometimes i AM grateful that i got outta that town. their friend, was there too and shes pregant again...so we chillin and drinkin with matt and 2 pregnant women. some ppl...ah the drama....
~the Woods~
me and julie went to the Woodlands (thurs) for my last nite on the east side. ok so that jumpin jeff walker song IS so true! haha the "80s wedding" as we called it downstairs at the bar and the "90s middle school dance" upstairs in the club, no one on the floor...yeah til we saw some ppl get a lil too xtreme on the dance floor LOL oh and we DID get carded like 5 times!!! those wilkes-barre security guards think their tough shit. "lets kidnap them and leave them in newark" hahahaha so me and julie kept going back and forth from the bar to the underage club..and me tryin to make conversation with one of the security guards...they dont talk just nod. he was looking at our ID for a min each so i proceeded to say "do u guys get a lot of fake IDs here?" and the only response was a nod yes. haha
so anyway i had informed justin in advance that i was going to the Woods...since he had mentioned it to me way back at the heaven and hell acacia -phi sig mixer. he texted me that he wished he could be there but he had just got his tonsils out. i was like hmm tonsils, eh. there are reasons for my lack of trust there. lol but it turned out to be true and he has been working and is enthusiastic to start up that payment plan that i had mentioned. lol fuckin eh.
~sorority retreat~
we went to the waterfront on fri and skating lastnite in between that we did some planning and elections. it was an enjoyable w/e with my sisters ---my other family. :)