As you may or may not have noticed, other than the turkey entry just now, I haven't posted since October 27, 2005, and that Oct 27 entry was hidden very shortly thereafter. The last public post was Oct 24.
I have not posted since then because I am considering ending my blog, or at least, altering it extensively. I have come to the conclusion that I do not have the wisdom to understand what to keep private and what to post publicly, that certain people's comments hurt or annoy me, that certain things I post hurt or annoy other people, etc.
I'm not grown up enough to not want to write spiteful things publicly in my LJ. I'm not grown up enough to weigh the consequences and benefits of what I write.
For each entry I write, there are specific people I want to have read it, and specific people I want to have NOT read it, but not all these people have LJ accounts so that I can protect them appropriately. Plus, deciding who to protect what from is not something I trust myself to be able to do properly.
I am considering (a) ending this LJ completely, or, (b) making this a protected friends-only LJ and posting only the most insipid entries (like the turkey one) publicly, and maybe forbidding comments.
Or, I could always go back to
Diaryland, not that that solves anything.
Anyway, so just letting you know, I'm...deciding.