I'm so graceful I amaze myself....

Jul 24, 2008 15:11

I moved to my new place and am mostly settled in. My roommate and her stuff arrive tomorrow, then she heads back to Tucson for a few more days and will move in for real the following weekend.

Yesterday a friend helped me move my soon-to-be-sold futon to the garage so that it's out of the way when the roommate moves in her all her stuff. In the process of moving it to the garage, I somehow fell. And when I say "I fell" I mean I fell hard, and banged up my arm and upper right chest pretty good. This happened yesterday, and in the almost 24 hours since it's happened the little mark on my upper arm has turned into a GIANT bruise from hell. I kid you not, the sucker is about 6 inches long and four inches wide. It looks like someone beat me. Then on my chest I have a giant bruise that is a little swollen and is sore to the touch.

I'm going out of town for the weekend. Tomorrow I work (which is in Truth or Consequences). A friend is going to pick me up at work and from there we're going to drive to Albuquerque for the night, then to Santa Fe for Saturday and Sunday. Yay! I'm looking forward to getting away for a couple of days.

I went to the White Sands monument last weekend for a full moon hike. White Sands is in the Tularosa Basin and is giant dune of white sand. The military uses it for missile testing so there are periodic closures of it. Anyway, the hike was super cool! I did most of the hike barefoot and it felt really cool to walk on sand again...since it was dark, I pretended the ocean was nearby. :-)  You can see pics of it here:


I took some pics w/ my phone and once I get them off my phone I'll post them here. On my phone the pics look all arty and weird. :-)

moving, hiking, las cruces

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