May 21, 2006 18:26
Let me tell you there is no better feeling then a shower after a weekend at ECJ. I could have stayed in there for ever. ECJ weekend was great the show is going to be awesome. We got measured for our uniforms cant wait to see them. I am so excited for this summers tour.
So this past week was eh probably one of the worst I have ever had.
Monday Beav broke his hand him and a door got into it and the door won. I felt so bad he will be in a cast till right before tour. However my Beav is a true bandie he does drill and works hard with that cast on I'm so proud of him.
The rest of the week I was pretty much out sick, I have never been so sick as I have this past year so lets hope I did my year of sickness for a very long time lol. Beav was great he took care of me all week him and his broken arm.
Thursday was Captain try outs for color guard it went fine. I guess in the end it doesn't matter who is captain we are all there for the same reason or at least should be( well except one person). So ya sure I will be disappointed if I don't get it , I would be lying if I said I wouldn't. At least I know I like the guard and the marching band and respect it. How dare someone try out to be captain of the guard and then have the nerve to say to someone trying out for drum major " oh just stop it your not drum major yet". I felt bad that anyone in the guard would say that I mean a statement like that is being un-supportive and just plain mean. All I know is regardless of what happens thursday I know exactly what I am going to do.
Friday was the last full day for most of the seniors, I will miss so many of them. It looks like june will fly by with all the graduation parties to attended.
I am off to a mountain of homework and a nice soft couch ahh its great to be home.