(no subject)

Apr 08, 2008 16:15

so... school's busy. I've been 19 for almost a month. I've been to 4 shows in the 1.5 week (Health, Owen, Les Savy Fav, and random local show). This week I have a ton of work and I'm seeing and dancing to Hot Chip on Thursday. I saw Mister Foe...a Scottish film part of the Philly film fest yesterday with Sam. I really want to see You, The Living on Friday. I have a BIG drawing project due Thursday and a 3D outdoor installation to decide and start on. I hangout with Sam a lot, duh. Amanda and I have hung out more. I decided next semester I'm going to live near main campus Temple  with Amanda and Sarah and not in the current house. Oh! and I miss stranger puppy, it makes me want a puppy just like her.

Type your cut contents here.

little chair and I! we're friends!

ani and elyssa and the RECYCLING BIN TRAIN

SAM! where's your face!? this ws during our dog-watching-sunday-afternoon-park-sitting

there he is again! sleeping like a baby :) I let him take a nap and I tucked him in. Not sure how he approves of this up here but I think he looks precious..

Mike Kinsella time

people to watch Owen with!

stranger puppy! I miss her already!

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