I was SO stressed about Area of Study. And I'm not stressed over the modules exam??? Thats strange considering its a fact that the modules exam is x564654168546854168541865418965 times harder than the Area of Study exam. And I haven't done ANY study. For modules. At all.
Anyway, enough about study. I've been really happy lately. Which can only be a good thing.
But nothing exciting has happened during this stressful time. So I'll end this post now.
Actually, CJ called Fiona a slut and crack whore. I wasn't very happy about that. If Fiona was a slut, I'd be Mary Donaldsons newborn Danish prince. So I'm no longer happy with CJ, and I've cut ties with him.
Payday today....YES! I'ma gonna go buy me some petrol and other....stuff.
Me and le two Trev's (
sexytrevy and
trevski) had a very interesting conversation last night. I found out some...interesting...information. Note to Trev's - I'm so slow and dumb haha why am I always the last to find out? :'( lol....actually, some of the conversation was the funniest shit I've heard in a LONG time....like the part about a certain someone turning into a robot??? =P I have never laughed so hard in my life.
Well...I should go study...but...you know...I'm lazy and all that. I have to wait until 3pm for the milkman, so I can pay him. *LE SIGH* Because Mum never usually works Wednesdays, but she had to work today, and she said to wait until 3 and not leave the house until he came....le fuck! I want my petrol NOW =P
Okay, I've tried to end this post about 4 times unsuccessfully....so I am going to end this post......NOW.
EDIT// Got petrol. I even managed to get a pie =D. And, I also got a new LJ layout. I love it because it reminds me of Nancy Sinatra's "Shot you down" *hums tune and randomly breaks into remix* DAMN YOU REMIX!