Le tired to the max. I haven't slept since Friday Night.
Friday night me and Kim (
dreamon_junky) were bored, so we took artistic photographs, trespassed into random apartment buildings and nearly got killed by a deadly snake.
Saturday night was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. And I made a new friend. Besties for life =P *high 5's*
I'd go into detail with all the drunkenness but again, le tired. Oh, what the hell.
Well, Saturday night started out ironically considering I was meant to be designated driver. I picked up Emma (
h0tpinklipgl0ss), Fiona and Kridal, and dropped in at Bec's 18th. It seemed like alot of fun, but the fact that I was deso made it less fun for me, so we left at about 11ish, and went to Jason's 20th.
This rocked because: A) Jason has his own apartment, and his elderly neighbour is deaf....B) He is the aussie version of Carson from Queer Eye, the fucking funniest gay I have ever met...and he's not one of those really annoying gay's, so he was actually tolerable. But the shit he was saying, oh my god, I was having fits and seizures of laughter. I also met his straight best mate, CJ (or Chris), and we instantly clicked, because not only are we metro-whores, but we have the exact same taste in music and we are just so similar.
Anyway, he invited me, Fiona and Emma back to his place (Kridal went home at 12), and when we got there (after giving me $30 for petrol money =O...that means CJ gets free lifts off me for life...or a month.)...who else was waiting there but....Beck Smits!!! I haven't seen that gal in like....years. Since year 8 in fact....and she was smashed off her face, while I was still deso...So CJ was like "here get this into you" and I drank cans of Southern Comfort and soon got tipsy...There was also a guy named Jason (differen Jason) whos a baker at bakers delight, and some other random. Anyway, we all grooved in his living room (CJ too has his own apartment....god its the latest trend) and it was so much fun because as before mentioned we have the exact same taste in music, and he also has a kick arse surround sound stereo system so we all danced, and then we all tried breakdancing (to which I failed Le Miserably....so me and Fiona just dirty danced in the middle of the circle when it was our turn to breakdance =P) and I got even more drunk.
I constantly danced for hours and hours to the point of exhaustion, where I passed out on the kitchen floor (not out of alcoholism, but from exhaustion)...and when I got some energy back (okay I lie, I slept a bit here), I went out to my car and laid back the passenger seat to try and snooze. I was nearly asleep when Fiona suddenly opens the door....I screamed, she screamed, we both screamed (for ice cream =P)....and then Fiona would not stop laughing over my facial expression of shock and verging on the breakdown of tears....then us two were gossiping when I glanced out the window and noticed someone standing right there....so we both screamed again...turns out it was CJ, so he came in the car and us three gossiped like school girls until we realised that we left poor Emma in the bed passed out, so we all went back into bed and us 4 all tried to sleep in a bed thats only really designed for 2. I rolled out twice....I don't know where the other randoms slept, but I'm sure they managed. Slept off alcohol, drove home, went to work...the end (of the best Saturday night in a looooong time.)
Danoz's (
dani_danoz) birthday bash next week......YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-uh.....I'm SO pumped....Danoz, I had an idea, we could make little passport things and go on a little club/pub crawl...thats what AJ did for her 19th....I reckon its a cute idea =) Doesnt take much effort, cause all the pubs are in town anyway! Except I didn't really like Smuts (downunder)...so take that and wind is back *clicks fingers like Austin Powers*