The Potion Makerwafflebiscuitsium is a cloudy, lumpy amber solid created from the feet of a whale that eats a wolfsbane plant.bexta01ium is a translucent, fine amber powder made from the bile of a dragon.Mixing wafflebiscuitsium with bexta01ium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque peach potion which gives the user protection from angry glares.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern
Comments 5
It would have been better if I didn't.
that is HILARIOUS.
omg....claim it.
The Potion Makerwafflebiscuitsium is a cloudy, lumpy amber solid created from the feet of a whale that eats a wolfsbane plant.bexta01ium is a translucent, fine amber powder made from the bile of a dragon.Mixing wafflebiscuitsium with bexta01ium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque peach potion which gives the user protection from angry glares.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern
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