Jul 20, 2005 22:29
Things that are pissing me off tonight:
*Lack of Study
*My brother
*My car not functioning
*The car part needed taking so long to be delivered
*Paris Hilton
*Certain individuals on MSN
*The HSC
*Lack of money
*Having to work during Toy Sale tomorrow night
*I think we've established that I'm sick of the HSC
*Akon - Why call yourself Akon? It sounds like Acorn. Acorn rocks. Kim is an Acorn =\ =P
*Lack of contact with Fiona.
Things which make me smile tonight:
*Napoleon Dynamite
*Kill Bill
*New blue school folder....a new blank canvas to work my permanent texta/magazine pictures/photo creations on!
*New permanent texta...no-one is safe!!!
*Memories of Sydney
*The blazer I bought at Vinnies
*Driving Mum's car
*90's hit music
*Akon - His music is addictive. I'm renaming him Acorn. Sorry Kim.
*Kim's MSN antics ("Don't YOU wish you had abs like Jesus?") =D
*My Art Body of Work...its nearly finished!
*The thought that we finish school soon
*The thought that I move out of home in December
*The thought that I go to Vanuatu in November
*The thought of hopefully getting a new car
*Getting back in contact with Fiona this week
*The thought that I've quit smoking
/*ends rant*/