May 04, 2009 16:49
So nothing much has been going on. Life is life and I'm just chilling through it. I havent really seen any of my ex's so that means: less drama. Hooray!
But school has been a drag and my "friends" are really no help to me at all, they just are someone for me to talk to during the day. Life is boring and uneventful...but good news is, my birthday is coming up soon and I'm hoping to go to driving school later this month! Please keep your fingers crossed!
Fr my birthday I want to do something but I dont have the money and there's a bigger probelm: I dont have many people to invite. I dont really hang out with anyone so I'd have no one to keep me company. Hmmm...well I just want something to do so I'm not cooped up in the huse all day, ya know?
My dad....ugh. He sent me a letter today just being his douchebag self and trying to get me on his good side...and it's working. I'm getting pissed at myself but he's my dad and i cant hate him. I really cant
Enough of that. I have oodles of homework calling my name. Wish me luck as I dive into to abyss of no return!
life letter birthday