I guess that I haven't written in this for a while, but it's not like any of you really read it. So, this week has been full of crappy things. First I am missing half of my toe nail, and it sucks, and really hurts, but I'm dealing. Well, you know what's not a good thing to do, ignore your alarm and then sleep in and miss a class. I mean normally I can get away with it, but not when I sleep through an exam. Yes, I'm a big jack ass and slept through my stat exam. Go ahead and point and laugh. I would. Well, any way I was able to make it up, thanks to my fantastic acting skills. lol. Long story. And for not studying and knowing anything, I did pretty good.
Well, it's pretty much the end of the school year, I'm stressed, but not as bad as I was a couple of days ago. So, that's good. My english teacher told me today that if I do okay on my next paper then I'm getting an A. I love this semestr so much more than last semester because i'm doing so much better. So, on wednesday I had music, and my teacher started playing th bagpipes, it was so cool. I went up after class to talk to her, and she gave me a card and told me to take lessons. So, I guess that maybe next semester I'll be learning how to play the bagpipes. I'm serious, and it's no laughing matter. I personally think it's cool. I've come to the conclusion that I say so a lot. I try not to, I'm sorry if it gets annoying. So, tonight I have dance, that'll be fun, it'll be our last class.
I'm happy and sad that the semester is almost over. Like I'm gonna miss being here and all my friends, but I can;t wait to go home and be able to spend time with all my other friends. Oh well, there's always the fall, but I'm going to enjoy this summer very much, despite my classes (UGH CHEM...AHHH!!!). We'll see how it goes.
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