Dreaming Electric by
jukeboxhound Universe: MCU
Rating: Mature
Warnings/Content: Referenced childhood abuse, disturbing imagery via medical experiments and mind-fuckery, limited battle violence, some sexuality.
Summary: The biotech virus Extremis has been leaked, upgrading a lone terrorist into something even a self-proclaimed futurist like Tony couldn’t have predicted. Extremis crosses the line that separates man and machine, a temptation that answers a scared little boy’s dreams and offers a new kind of future to Iron Man. The problem is that nothing is ever that easy.
Read it read it read it read it REEEEEAD IT. OK so, I am probably the luckiest person on the planet because I got a chance to read this story what, two months before the Rest Of The World? So, yup, I win. Sorry I'm not sorry. Let's all gather in a tight circle to give our thanks to
c_im_bigbang, and of course, obviously,
jukeboxhound. It's not even just a great story, it's GR9, GR10 and basically GR∞; I'm not good with enthusiastic reviews, because I always end up babbling and pointing at things while making random giggly sounds (basically, great things turn me into a toddler), but hey, do trust me.
I don't know what else to say if not, brace yourselves because THINGS. Previews just because, and beware of the oversized stuff under the cut:
In case you're wondering, yes the last two things are from actual scenes of the story WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE WONDERING THOUGH, GO READ IT OH GOD.