I have been meaning ...

Apr 13, 2006 18:49

oblivxion started doing this "strange and beautiful" things about her day ...
I've been meaning to do something very much like that ... but more of a "little moments of zen" sort of deal. Moments in life where, despite the hustle and bustle, I feel at peace. Or grateful ... I usually think of these things at the time and always forget to write them down. So maybe I should just .. start.

Little moments of zen:
Laura, Tom, and I walked to lunch ... like a mile and a half away. I haven't walked that far in ages. It was quite warm out today (and extremely beautiful) so the walk was rather exhausting ... but at the same time, it felt good to move my fat ass.

2 hours of lunch because the service was SO.SLOW. and we come back to the office to our brand new computers. (YEARS in coming ... I work for the City of Los Angeles ... getting anything done that requires our government to pay for anything new is near impossible.)

Jose (the douche that supposedly runs the computer tech for the city, but doesn't know the difference between RAM and hard drive memory ...) boned out on helping us set it up (his job) so Tom and I got everything set up. It was so much fun.

Soooo ... yeah.
I actually stayed at work way later than I've needed to because of the new computer thing.
Even Orlando Bloom is my desktop background!!! I have my own profile on this computer that I share with Victor ... and fucking 250GB of hard disk space!!! And a CD/DVD burner! and 1GB RAM! So I can do mundane shit like Annual Reports and Mailing List while burning CDs. *giggle*

And Anisa is randomly giving me more hours. Total bonus!
I just feel so .. zen-y.

Today has been such a beautiful day ... I finally was able to appreciate nature.
And I realized something pretty "duh", yet crucial to my health and possibly a remedy for my ickiness.
I barely drink water. I think that if I just up the amount of water, whatever extra crap that could be aggravating my arthritis will be washed out. Lots and lots of water and cranberry juice. (100%! None of that concentrate stuff) If I can get the pain down to a tolerable level (I did well today! long, uphill walk for about 3 miles total), I will be able to start fat camp appropriately. It's amazing how motivated you feel when you're actually able to move! (and, of course, DO move.)

I can't wait for it to be warm enough to start using George's pool. That will help, too ... since I pretty much live there now.

Speaking of living places ... my mom, dad, and sibs are tentatively scheduled to go back to Chicago... (contrary to the back-and-forth plan there was earlier) for 3 months. (mid-August until end-of-November) House to my lonesome again ... That may work out better than expected ... if my uncle moves down here at the end of July (from Oregon), that might give us ample time to get set up so we can move into an apt together right when my parents come back. That gives me till December to get my shit together .. which may be better. I'm dying financially. I'm just praying that things get in order and stuff soon. I'm expecting about $800 back in taxes (when I send them in! eeep!) which is a total bonus. Of course, that takes forever, but at least I'll have things paid off and whatnot. Wheeeee ...

Wow ... this turned into a huge ramble. It's 7pm ... I think the traffic has died down. I believe it is time to peel myself away from the shiny new computer and get home so I can go see my sexy, wonderful boy!!!!
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