Meme + WANTS.

Mar 09, 2010 17:35

- I was just talking about it with akitochiaki but... I want so much a new tablet, mine is so small ! ;;;
Ok, I don't draw that well but I'd really like to buy another if had I a little money *sighs* But I won't, because I'm saving for stuff to this summer. Well, I'm going to do some baby-sitting, so, maybe in a looong time...
Everyone around me seem to get one, and better one, even if they don't less than me, it kiiiills me ! AND. That's new. But their parents bought them Photoshop CS4 (yes), which I don't have (and I'm using PS more than they ever will ;A;) and, this is the wtf point : they'd like to pay me to give lesson.
WHAT people.
I'm not good enough to do that ;;; Well I'm better than my friends and their parents won't have to pay too much, but, still, what (I'm flattered, though ?)

- Also, I went to school with some jewelry I made this summer, and people from my class actually liked it ;;; They ask me to make more, and again, said they would buy it. I've some commissions to do now xD
(Even people from other classes came to me and asked, wth. 'gonna facebook it and make moneyyy heheheeh)

(here some. Old, but still, some.)

- And now :3
While I'm doing your comissions : Spying meme, stolen from ptit_neko :

1. Comment with a request to see absolutely anything on my computer. My desktop, my documents, my bookmarks, my latest works in progress, my iTunes WMP. Whatever you're curious about. Request it!
2. I will respond post a new entry with a screenshot of the very thing you request.

help, me, meme, english post

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