About school, after-school and this summer

Mar 04, 2010 21:03

So, as I promised, this is a post about me and my problems for this summer ;;;

- So, I think I won't come to Japan Expo in July this year, OTL
I've Politics Sciences on the 2d or 3rd, so that's IMPOSSIBLE for me to come it seems... My parents just don't want me to go there and coming back, only for one or two days. It would be too expensive.
Plus, I don't know when I'll get my result from my baccalauréat/GCSE on July too, so I'll have to stay home, in case I didn't get it and had to work to do it again (It probably won't happen but who knows)

- clewilan wants me this summer and I want so much to go there~ *wantswantswants*
We're planning to go to a festival too but it's already hard enough to get tickets in time, not MUSE COME AGAIN. WHAT. Just WHAT. You here, guys ? Oh Matt, Dom, Chris, please, wth D: ?
So it's making things even harder... (but ! Muse !)

- I'm probably going in Disneyland with chastily yay ♥

- About this I'm really STRESSED.
I'm planning my hope for after-school and it seems that nothing suits me in a way. I've some knowledge  maybe, but that's all, I'm not more intelligent than anyone and totally don't have any method. I've never been scholastic (?), though my results are good, and I'll probably never be.
Someone in the prep school I want to go to said to me today "Well, it's just awful. You're gonna cry and I hope you won't be far from your family. You won't have time for anything and they will put pressure on you, a lot".
I'm just to fragile for this, if it's really that. I know I won't be able  to do it... I won't handle this. I know  it's stupid. I can do great job when I work more, but then, I'll be overwhelmed and will  suck.  If I can't even draw, it will be  impossible for me, lost the only thing I care would be... urg (I didn't even progress lately !)
I don't want to go to the university though. I'm gonna do this prep school, but I'm really SCARED (and I'm not even enrolled, that's not said.)

- It's seems that on the 27th (this month, this time) I'm going to see Pony Pony Run Run with my best friend (and my Miru-pu ?) 8D Oh god I'm so ecstastic, I like them !

me, , english post, japan expo

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