Colored stuffs - Kobato

Feb 14, 2010 22:16

I'm spamming todaaay~
- I'm here this time with my poor Kobato drawings (and a question), but it's 9:48PM, so it's still, Valentine day, so fandom needs moar Fujibato ♥ Those are only colored doodles, though...
Anyways, So, Fujibato~

I felt like drawing Yuui's shoes while drawing these. I wonder why I associate that type of shoes to him ;;;

Well, I don't know :

I don't know neither. But Iryogi-san doesn't agree with cuteness. No he doesn't.

And so that's all (' - ')

- Now about my question, everything is in this poll . If you have a minute, take a look ♥ ?

- I've to answer all the cute comments, but I'd like to change my icons before that... (yes, this is important ' - ' )

See ya !

kobato, drawings, english post

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