Happy New Year !

Jan 02, 2010 15:54

2009 was a great year to me. I have some great memories and some unexpected and bad ones in mind, and now I now that some things, important things, changed and that some as important won't and will never. I had to excogitate about it and now I'm fine with this fact.
I won't forget some evenements of this year, and some of them couldn't be classed just as "good" or "sad". I won't forget my friends saying that they were trully proud and/or happy to know me. I won't forget this only christmas in ten years with all my brother and sister. I won't forget one of them saying that, just now, he was happy, just happy, and felt good about it.
And I'll probably never forget the image of my sister, pregnant, more than 8 months crying on my grandfather's grave two weeks ago. It was a real contrast.
2010 is going to be my last childhood year, and though I didn't feel like it until now *laughs*. But now... I gave some of my stuffs to my sister. I had my own New year's Eve. My parents let me travel alone. I didn't have any presents from my family christmas, and made some to my parents or my brother and sister...
I'm an aunt since three days.
I trully don't know what 2010 will be, it used to anguish me.
I'm quite serene now.

Thank you, everyone. I really wish you an happy new year !


(My new year card and...)                                                       (... my little sister's card ♥)

, drawings, english post

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