Stolen to Z-red-poppy (again).

Jan 05, 2009 12:50

I'm bored.

Using one word for each letter of the alphabet, make a list of the words you most associate with yourself or that you feel best describe you.

A- Alike ?
B- Bees. I'm affraid with bees.
D- Drawing. No, really ?
E- Eve. 'Cause Il like my name xD
F- Frieeeends \o/
G- ... Gay, ahaha *runs* I don't know what to say xD
H- Hot. I'll never be.
I- Idiot. I'll always be.
J- Jumble. My room \o/
K- Kiwi. I'm allergic.
L- Light-headed. I always forgett something.
M- Manga ?
N- Nitendo~ :D
O- OMFG. Fangirl's CAPS LOCKS Yay !
P- Pout. When I want something.
Q- ... Dunno, I'll edit when I found.
R- Restless, that's me.
S- Sushis~
T- Tickles. All my friends always do that to me ;A;
U- Utopian.
V- Vortex °0° That's stupid, but it came.
W- Wii ?
X- xxxHolic xDDDD ?
Y- You.
Z- There's only a pseudo which came. I have to make friends...

:x: piercings = Err... No. Except for my ears ?
:x: tattoos = Neither.
:x: height = 177 cm ? 176 ?
:x: shoe size = 39.
:x: hair color = Brown. I'm going to dye them in something red or black. 
:x: siblings = One sister, one step-sister, two step-brothers.

:x: movie you rented = Woh, I don't remember.
:x: movie you bought = I'm... I don't buy or rent movie, in fact. I'm incultivated on movies.
:x: song you listened to = Rent OST - Final B
:x: song that was stuck in your head = The man who can't be moved - The Script xD
:x: cd you bought = P!ink, I'm not dead
:x: cd you listened to = Blink 182 - Greatest hits
:x: person you've called = Flo ?
:x: person that's called you = Ben ? Clem ?
:x: tv show you've watched = L'Edition spéciale de Canal +
:x: person you were thinking of = Hum... I think it was Bastien or Florence.
:x: friend[s] you made = ......... It made a month, huuu, I don't remember >_< ('Have a lot of friends, but...)

:x: you have a crush on someone = Currently... Maybe ?
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = OH YEAH !
:x: you think about suicide = Currently no :)
:x: you believe in online dating = HELL YEAH ! I met drawers ! I met Clemy and Nathou ! I love IRL.
:x: others find you attractive = Yeah, some do. I wonder why.
:x: you want more piercings = Why not ?
:x: you drink = A few during parties ?
:x: you do drugs = Nope.
:x: you smoke = Naa ! NO SMOKING !
:x: you like cleaning = ... Err... Oh ! Yeah ! I like cleaning my markers ! My markers box !
:x: you like roller coasters = Not really ?
:x: you write in cursive or print = Cursive. I have a really, really weird way to write xD

:x: long distance relationships = For o/
:x: using someone = If he's stupid and mean...
:x: suicide = Against.
:x: killing people = ... I have to think about it. If I answer "maybe", coul you consider me as Kira ?
:x: teenage smoking = Adult smoking is quite a pity... BUT TEENAGE SMOKING IS JUST STUPID D:
:x: doing drugs = against ?
:x: driving drunk = same.
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = ......... Prrrft xD Ahahaha ! Against ? No, I don't think so :'D Boys can do things. Girls can do others things. So why ... choose xD ?
:x: soap operas = That's funny :D

:x: food = Sushi ! Macaroons ! (Quignaman, je sais pas l'écrire, ouaaaaais)
:x: song = Hard... I think La déclaration - Debout sur le zinc
:x: thing to do = have a good time with me friends/eat Japanese stuff/DRAW ! // Read fictions
:x: thing to talk about = OTL /// Fandoms... gnyah.
:x: sports = Base-ball yaw ! Where is my paddle ?
:x: drinks = Lemon tea. A good, lemon tea.
:x: clothes = My skirt, my pink hose, and something with strips.
:x: movies = Eternal Sunshine of Spotless mind ?
:x: singer = Hu... Chris Martin ? Matthew xD ? I really dunno.
:x: holiday = Christmas \o/

:x: ever cried over a girl = Maybe ?
:x: ever cried over a boy = I... Don't remember.
:x: ever lied to someone = Yes
:x: ever been in a fist fight = Yes XD
:x: ever been arrested = Not for the moment XD

:x: shampoo do you use = Familial one.
:x: shoes do you wear = Boots. Olds Gola with gaudy lace-up. Pushers ?
:x: are you scared of = Toads ;___; (And see Shining xD)

:x: of times I have been in love? = ~ 3 ?
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = 2 XD
:x: of hearts I have broken? = Something like... 3 or 4. But I'm friends with them T_T
:x: of girls I have kissed? = 4 or 5 ? (...... Don't ruuun xD)
:x: of boys I have kissed? = A dozen or so ?...
:x: of girls I've slept with? = None.
:x: of boys I've slept with? = None.
:x: of drugs taken illegally? = None, again.
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 4.
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = Nobody. There are people I hate, but that's all.
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = 5 (or more, I don't know XD) !
:x: of scars on my body? = Something like 3.
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = Many little things... But except that...

:x: disney movie = Mulan ! Ratatouille ! Wall-E ! (love Pixar... And my name is Eve xD)
:x: word = Nonobstant, Bref for French, Pookie and Mushroom XD and many words in Spanish.
:x: nickname = Fangirl, Yvy, Eveuh (... Wall-E), sweety, cuty... etc.
:x: guy name = Pierra.
:x: girl name = Sorry, Honey, but Clémentine. Ceese.
:x: eye color = All. Green eyes... Blue deep eyes... Black... All are fine !
:x: flower = Sunflower. Looove it. 
:x: piercing = ...
:x: actor = Jim Carrey XD Or Hugh Grant XD
:x: actress = Jennifer Anniston U___U

:x: pretty = Nope...
:x: funny = I think I'm sometimes funny ? More if you're... like me.
:x: hot = AHAHAHAHAHHA. No.
:x: friendly = Yeah... I like make friends..
:x: amusing = Yes ?
:x: ugly = Not a beauty at all. But not "ugly"...
:x: loveable = I really hope ;____;
:x: caring = Yeah, as I can.
:x: sweet = I can be, when I'm not restless xD

Wow... It was long Oo

meme, english post

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