Jun 24, 2008 14:05
So I have been sitting here at camp for the last couple of weeks, drinking, chatting, spending time to myself, reading, fishing. I tell ya, its sort of boring. I want to get out of maine. I mean, I was in florida for 6 months, and I miss that. Well, I dont want to go back to florida, but I want to go back to living on my own, and taking things day by day, instead of what am I going to do after after I get out of camp. I think that I will go back to florida for a little while, then I am definatly going to telluride in colarado. Steph, the person I did the internship with, down in fl, is moving out there with her bf in oct, and I think I will go out there. I dunno if its going to be telluride, but definatly colorado. I need to find an apartment and a job, but it was so easy to do it moving to florida with three days notice, so I am sure I can do it now. I want to get up off my feet and spend life enjoying myself. I mean, i did nthat down in florida, and I loved every minute of it. I had a good job, and a good apartment, and friends, and got to do stuff. Maine is just boring. Maine is just boring. Period. I know maine like the back of my hand, and even new england. I want out.