The 'About My LJ' Meme - gacked from
oncelikeshari 1. My username is ______ because ______.
wade_scott because that's what my parents had picked out for me--before I came out without a penis. Oops! Plus, anybody remember the show Sliders? The chick's name was Wade and I dug it.
2. My name is _____ because ______.
Heathyr, spelled a la Skynyrd after a high school play production that had six Heathers in the cast and crew. We all changed the spelling of our names so we could at least recognize ourselves in print. And to think, my dad thought it was an "original name."
3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
"The Dark Mark Made Me Do It" because I thought it was funny. I think I stole it from
vanityfair00, so props to her.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
"People who are cooler than I am" because that's a no-brainer.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
Potterpuffs HGSS because I loved it and it makes others laugh no matter how many times they see it.
6. My LJ name (you know how you can change that sort of sub-name thing?) is:
"Gryffindors make the best traitors" because you know it's true.